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Hi everyone,

We’re super excited to launch a new version (beta) of the feedback widget this week. With the new help widget, you can:

  • Embed a branded contact form on your website or product.
  • Show solution articles wherever your users are.
  • Optimize for deflection, by guiding users to solution articles before they reach out to you.

And that’s not all. Beyond just a simple contact form, the new widget can actually help you understand when your customers are frustrated. 

For instance, if a button on your site isn’t working, and a customer is clicking on it many times hoping it’d work, the widget can popup and ask if they need help. We’re also planning to add more signals to determine if customers are frustrated on your website (like, when they scroll up and down a couple of times, clearly looking for something). If you’ve got ideas on more signals we can add, we’d love to know!

Over time, this widget will evolve to support bots, and provide options for you to include other channels (like chat) as well.

If you'd like to give the beta a shot, please leave a comment below. Just so you know, when we enable the beta: 

  • Your existing popup feedback widgets will continue to work, but you'll no longer be able to access the settings for it from Admin. 
  • Your existing embedded feedback widgets will work, and you'll be able to create new embedded widgets from a renamed section in Admin called Feedback form.


I've tryed the same thing on Mozilla and there is nothing at all:


Hi Vladimir,

On Google Chrome, we use Chrome's screen capture API to get the screenshot. This is the reason why you see it that way. The control is given to the user, via Google Chrome, to take the screenshot.

On other browsers, we generate the screenshot by rendering the HTML content into an image. This is the reason you don't see such a window in Firefox. 

Hi Shankar! 

1. Chrome: please, check the screenshot attached. On the screenshot, I see the screenshot options window as well. Is that normal behavior? I am not sure.


2. Firefox doesn't work at all. Just spinning circle and that's it. The previous screenshot shows you spinning circle. 

1) Yes, this is normal behaviour. We use Chrome's screen capture API. When we use the API, Chrome takes over control and shows this window with options. Your users can select one of the options and ensure that the appropriate screenshot is attached.

2) Can you send the URL that you tried in Firefox? We'll check it out and troubleshoot.

Hi Vladimir, 

We'll look at the issue on and get back to you.

Vladimir, the widget isn't visible on the site for us. Any idea when it appears? 

Hi Shankar!

Yes, it is disabled right now. You have agent account in our system, so you can activate it for testing purposes. You can refer to Rajesh Kumar

Product Specialist.

Hi Shankar! I thought that the screenshot option is not visible for you, but in fact, widget does not appear at all? Is that right? 

Yes, that's right. We'll discuss this over in our last email conversation.

I'm not sure if this has been asked already, but it would be great if Freshchat could also be included in the same user flow. Meaning that we wouldn't have two separate widgets depending on if you want to chat or create a ticket, which is just bad UX. Is there any way to accomplish this currently with the help widget or could this be considered as an added feature?

Mikko, providing a seamless integration with Freshchat from inside the help widget is in our long-term plans 🙂

Hi everyone,

We recently did a webinar on the help widget. We demoed

  • how you can set up a help widget
  • how you can optimize for deflection and
  • also how you can use the widget to support customers in multiple languages. 

You can watch a recording of the webinar here on this page.

Hi Shankar! 

As for the articles, are you thinking to have more than 3 top articles in the widget as it was in the promo picture:


Like, for us, TOP 5 would be better!

Another question is related to Freshworks logo, we've disabled it and we have the following:


This is like a free useless empty space. You can use this space to show additional articles as an option while having the same widget size. This could be a significant change in user experience and additional opportunity for us to show 2 more articles for the people. 

Let me know your opinion. Have a wonderful day ahead!

Good suggestions, Vladimir! We'll see if we can make better use of the empty space. 

Thanks for the fast response! Please, let me know about your decision and plans about this as soon as possible. 


We are having an issue with the name of the contact on tickets submitted through the widget.

We are pre-filling the "email" and "name" fields on the widget with the authenticated user's information in our app. (They may or may not already exist as a contact in our FreshDesk instance).

When using the "Simple contact form" option for the widget, this works great, but in this mode, the "Subject" field is not required and I want to prevent users from submitting tickets without a subject.

When using the "Show form with ticket fields" option (preferred) for the widget, I can make the subject field required (and add other fields as needed), but I cannot seem to get the name field to populate for the contact on the ticket. It just uses the beginning of the email address (up until the @).

Any advice would be great.


Hi Joshua,

It does appear like this is a miss from our end. We'll work on making sure the name field shows up in the form, even when you choose to use the form with ticket fields. 

We'll also consider making the subject field required in the 'Simple contact form'.

Thank you for the feedback!


When is this available for everyone?

 I'm trying make a custom button for the freshdesk widget, but it doesn't work. What I do wrong?

<!DOCTYPE html>





/* This is the function to open the widget code */

function openwidget() {



/* This is the widget embed code */




!function(){if("function"!=typeof window.FreshworksWidget){var n=function(){n.q.push(arguments)};n.q==],window.FreshworksWidget=n}}()


<script type='text/javascript' src='' async defer></script>



<button onclick="openWidget()" type="button">

Click this button to open the widget





I try setup a custom button for FreshDesk widget but it doesnt't work. What I doing wrong? In attach example. I make it by this article

Hi Sergey,

In line #8, can you please change openwidget() to openWidget()

The 'W' should be in upper case. I've fixed this in the HTML file I've attached. You can download and try it out as well :) 

We'll update the article and make this correction as well, Sergey!

I've added the widget to my Angular SPA application, it looks great!

However, I would like to change the contents of the help widget based on the page where the user is working.
I tried to do it by defining 2 widgets in FD. But I am unable to replace the widget that was initially loaded with another widget:

So for example:

Start site: -->  load widget 1
Navigate on site: ->  unload widget 1, load widget 2

Note that because it is a SPA, there a no real 'reloads' on navigation changed.

Also i would like to be able to register a user in FD after logging in, for example so I can show FD articles that are "Logged in users only".
Is this possible?

Hi Arthur,

We do have plans to let you customize what shows up in the solutions section, on certain pages. It might take some months before we have this live though.

For now, you can see if you can destroy widget 1 and load widget 2 on pages where you want widget 2. Or vice versa. Although I think it's not a great approach. 

About showing solution articles restricted to logged in users: we're currently working on the ability to let you authenticate users and show such articles. This should be out in about a month. 


Hi Shankar, 

The widget is great, thank you for introducing it! 

A nice thing would be adding a button in the article page in the widget, which will open the full the article page  in the support portal, in a separate window

First, viewing large support articles in the small popup window is not always comfortable (images get very slow, text is too long)

Second, this encourages users to visit the support portal, which is the goal.  

Something like this:


Does this make sense? 

Will appreciate adding this a lot. 



Hi Igor, thank you for the feedback. This is in our plans 🙂 should take a while though!