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Hi everyone,

We’re super excited to launch a new version (beta) of the feedback widget this week. With the new help widget, you can:

  • Embed a branded contact form on your website or product.
  • Show solution articles wherever your users are.
  • Optimize for deflection, by guiding users to solution articles before they reach out to you.

And that’s not all. Beyond just a simple contact form, the new widget can actually help you understand when your customers are frustrated. 

For instance, if a button on your site isn’t working, and a customer is clicking on it many times hoping it’d work, the widget can popup and ask if they need help. We’re also planning to add more signals to determine if customers are frustrated on your website (like, when they scroll up and down a couple of times, clearly looking for something). If you’ve got ideas on more signals we can add, we’d love to know!

Over time, this widget will evolve to support bots, and provide options for you to include other channels (like chat) as well.

If you'd like to give the beta a shot, please leave a comment below. Just so you know, when we enable the beta: 

  • Your existing popup feedback widgets will continue to work, but you'll no longer be able to access the settings for it from Admin. 
  • Your existing embedded feedback widgets will work, and you'll be able to create new embedded widgets from a renamed section in Admin called Feedback form.


Shankar, yes that would be helpful

Hi Connor, the widget is now available in your account :)

Hey can you enabled the widget for us as well ? Thank you:

Hi Simon, 

The feature is live in your account :)

I would like to give the solutions widget a try.  

We'd like to try the solutions widget

Hi Linda and Matthew, the widget is now available in your accounts. Please try it out and let me know what you think :) 

Me too, please! :)

Done, Zennon. Your account is in the beta :) 

Would love to try it out.

Referring to this article, Embed solution articles and a contact form with the help widget, it seems that Sprout plan is not supported. However, we're currently on the Sprout plan and have beta access to this. What will happen to our widget when this feature moves out of beta?

Also, we lost the ability to take screenshots among other things. It seems that this feature is not up to par with the current Feedback widget. Can you move us back to the Feedback widget? 

We would like to try it out!

Is there a way to open this widget using a custom button in my app instead of the one produced by the widget generator?

wold love to try this out somehow

Could you please remove us from the beta option so that we can go back and make changes using the old widget?  We need certain pieces of functionality that haven't yet made it into this one.  

Can I please get access to these features?

Hi Tom, Derek, Miguel and Doug, 

Your accounts are on the beta - please do try out the widget and tell me what you think :)

And Derek, you can use the widget APIs to hide the widget, and open it when someone clicks on a link in your website.

Hi Zennon and Becky,

Removed the feature from your account. You should now be able to use the old feedback widget. 


When the widget moves out of beta, appearance customization will be available only from Blossom and higher plans. But because you helped us test the beta, you'll continue to be able to customize the widget's appearance (like colors, etc.)

Hi Shankar Ganesh!

I appreciate your efforts! 

I don't want to be rude, just asking. 

Last time you told me that the widget will be realized in the middle of August. Could you, please, specify the current situation with this realization? I am waiting for the multilingual functionality to test it and deploy on production for all our products. Depending on this functionality - we want to buy more accounts for additional agents, that's why I am asking. So, please, let me know the current update if it is possible. 

Hi Vladimir,

We're working on multilingual support. The solutions and contact form should already render based on the browser language. We're now building the API to let you override the language detected, as well. Once we have translations ready for some of the content that's used in the widget, we plan to launch with documentation. This should happen in about two weeks.


Hi Shankar Ganesh!

I thought it would be a little bit different. Our situation is the following: 

We have a games website - see it like this: each custom (or default) field has language translation options. The administrator can specify any translations he wants for a certain field. Later, when the website is moving on another language (DE) - we pass API command in the code for the website to TRANSLATE all the fields into another language, thus we have translated widget along with the website. 

Now, I have a few questions for you:

1. Will I have language options for any field in the system, so I can specify translation for any field I want? (including custom fields) 

2. Will I have API to pass language I need, according to the website language? 

Hi! I´d like to get beta access.,

Hi Vladimir, 

1) If you're talking about ticket fields, it's possible to translate ticket fields in different languages. You can read this article to know more about how this can be done.

2) Yes, you will have an API to pass the language you need, according to your website language.

Hi Pckasse,

We've enabled the help widget in your account. Play with it and tell me what you think :)

I'm having issues using this with my angular app, is there a certain way this needs to be added to an angular 8 app? I'm putting after the closing body tag (</body>). I'm getting an error that I need to run

@DerekHi! This seems like an issue specific to conflicts in your Angular environment and our widget. Sending you an email so we can set up a call to troubleshoot this.

Dear Shankar,

Could you please also activate the widget on our portal?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
