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Hello everyone,

Super excited to roll out the new and improved automations in Freshdesk. You can now set up Dispatch'r, Supervisor, and Observer rules from one place. 

Optimize your rules

With the new AND/OR operators in automations, you can now optimize the number of rules in your account. Here's to clearer and more compact rules :) 

Summary for rules

Every rule now has an auto-generated summary. You no longer have to rely on descriptions - the summary will give you a good visual overview of what every rule does.

Thank you detector (powered by Freddy)

More often than not, tickets get reopened when customers respond to just say thank you. This majorly affects resolution times.


Freddy's Thank You Detector understands the intent behind customers responses to decide whether a ticket should be closed or not when your customers get back thanking you. 

Read more here.

See who edited your rules, and how many tickets your rules affected

The new automations will now show you the number of tickets a rule was executed on, in the last 7 days. You'll also get to know who modified the rules and when it was last modified. 

See it all in action:

This feature is being rolled out in batches. You can read this article to get a brief of what has changed in automations.

Got feedback? Drop a comment in this thread.

- Sumana

@dmckenna@EwanThanks for the feedback. We're on track for notify to field bug being fixed (being made non-mandatory) by the 13th of September.

@EwanWe're looking to see if the descriptions can be made available, and will keep this thread posted. I'll also explore how we can make it easier to add a list to your conditions and get back to this thread :)

@RyanThis has been fixed for your account. I've also sent you an email. Do let me know if you're still facing issues

@CharanyanV great I see "To Email" option now! Thanks to you and your team for the quick update.

Ugh. I hate that I can only see one small batch of dispatch'r rules at a time. I have HUNDREDS of rules and strongly preferred being able to scroll down the entire list. That also made re-ordering the rules easier. 

@admincan you please activate this for our account?


@Barbara Can we get on a quick call to discuss this? I'd like to sit through the experience you have with the new automations to figure out where and how we can help make things easier. I'll drop you an email and we can setup some time based on your availability.

@DanielIt has been activated in your account. Do give it a spin, we'd love to hear your experience and feedback if any.

Hi again, one more thing that I have noticed now is that re-ordering is more difficult now than previously.

I can't quite figure out how I move a rule from the end of the list on page 2 to the top of the list page 1?



Hi Ewan, 

You should be able to do this by clicking on Reorder, clicking on the last rule on page 2, navigating to the first page, and clicking right on top of the first rule. The GIF below depicts how to get this done. Let me know if this helps.

Got it ! 


@Nicolas @EwanThe fix to make the notify to field optional for a private note is live now. You should be able to add private notes with an automation rule without having to notify anyone :)

please enable for our account

Please enable on our account.

OK the Dispatch'r, Supervisor, and Observer automations are all revamped but the Scenario Automations were left as they are.

I would like to have a "Transfer" action in the Scenario Automations. Is it possible?