Proactive spam filter for emails

We now have an advanced spam filter mechanism that proactively moves emails which resemble spam, to the spam tickets folder in Freshdesk.

Once this feature is enabled, the system analyzes the pattern of the incoming emails based on certain conditions(sender email ID, IP address etc.), and move suspicious tickets to the spam folder. The system also learns from user feedback, i.e, if you mark a ticket as spam, similar tickets will automatically be marked spam in the future.

This will be rolled out in batches to all accounts over the next few weeks. Please leave a comment below if you want this enabled sooner on your account.


  1. If you think that certain emails have been erroneously marked as spam, you can mark them as “Not spam” and the system will learn from your feedback. We would recommend you to moderate these tickets regularly to help the system improve.

  2. In certain scenarios, we have noticed that spammers hit your Freshdesk instance with spam by sending emails to the default support address which is created during account creation which looks like If you think your helpdesk set up is being impacted due to this, please reach out to our support team, and we can enable a feature for you which prevents tickets getting created when emails are sent to the wildcard versions of your support email.

  3. These spam tickets will be deleted after 30 days if no activity is performed on them.

  4. The spam filter, by default, doesn't run on custom mailboxes. However, there is an option to switch it on for custom mailboxes as well.