Twilio now supports SMS and MMS

Related products: Freshchat Freshworks Customer Service Suite

Twilio now supports SMS and MMS on Freshchat and the Freshworks Customer Service Suite.

We’re excited to announce that Twilio now supports MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) alongside SMS (Short Message Service) in Freshchat. Learn more here.



What does this mean?

  • Multimedia capabilities: With MMS, customers can send and receive multimedia content such as images, videos, and audio files, enhancing the visual and interactive experience of mobile messaging.
  • Increased character limit: MMS allows for longer messages than SMS, enabling customers to convey more detailed information and reducing the need for multiple messages.
  • Improved engagement: MMS supports rich media elements like emojis, stickers, and animations, making messaging more fun and engaging to create visually appealing marketing materials, promotions, and alerts that grab customers’ attention.
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