
New Ticket UI

  • 17 November 2022
  • 6 replies


We really don’t like the new ticket UI, to the point that none of my staff are using it and it would be detrimental to our working day if we are forced to use it. 

We can currently go back to the old UI, but it says this is only until 31st Dec 2022. Can we please not be forced to go to the new UI and just let us pick what we want to use? 

I can’t actually believe how bad the new UI actually is. 

6 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Change is always hard, but it is somewhat surprising that Fresh did not run this through a wider beta test collecting necessary feedback. 6 weeks or so to adjust to the new layout (and report bugs) seems a bit aggressive.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hello @jorn-morten.innselset @NathMan, I can tell you that they did include a number of users in the beta. But I agree that the scope of implementing a deprecation date of the classic UI so close to the release of the Modern UI is problematic.

I have reached out to the Freshservice Support to advocate that they leave the ability to switch between the two UIs. My suggestion was to leave this functionality in place until they migrate the other modules to the same ember framework as the new Modern UI for tickets.

Fingers crossed they take this advice as we also are not ready to move to this UI until all bugs have been fixed and we have had enough time to allow our agents to adjust.

Great feedback and hopefully it lands on the Product Team’s ears!

Take care :)


Hi @zachary.king, we don’t even want to move to the new UI, at all. We just want the option to be able to use the old UI and the new UI. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Just curious what in the UI is so bad? Yes there are bugs that they are working on. 
Should have been fixed befor they release it to the public. 

Only thing that bothers me if I like to jump between different tabs they reloads each time. 

Ones I know is and reported as bugs are ( some are already fixed ) 
URLs opens up the same tab 
Notifications opens in a new tab 
Replaying to a customer the quoted text are some times missing in the e-mail 


Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Personally I have no issues with the new design, except it is even less mobile friendly than the classic ticket view. The mobile app is rather limited, and I have always relied on being able to browse to the full web version when on the go. “Responsive design” seems to be a foreign language to the Fresh devs...

Badge +3

I still have not seen an option for this new ticket UI in our instance.  Has this been delayed?
