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Service Catalog

  • 7 June 2022
  • 6 replies

Hi Team,

I'm planning to update our existing catalogue, can you share some category you’re currently using? particularly on workstation/asset related activities like deployment, pull-out, and setup. and How do you integrate or update it in the current inventory. 

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@zachary.king @keefe.andrews @daniel.soderlund - looking forward to hearing from you about this.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Thanks @rashmi.nag!

Hi @raymondcanilao, I can give you one example. We have Service Categories for Hardware, Software, Networking, Remote Access, Employee On and Off-Boarding, and even one for Covid-19 Sanitation Supplies. In our support portal we drive users to select from those categories first, and only show bundles as available request options. This gives the end user a shopping cart experience. For example in the Hardware category we have a Dell Laptop Options Service item that contains all our available dell laptops, and accessories (monitors, keyboards, mouse, cables, etc.), as well as a New Computer Setup service item. Then on the backend we use workflow automators to route those service requests to the appropriate groups.

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

@raymondcanilao our categories are below. We have other departments outside of IT, so that is the reason for some of the non IT titles. Like @zachary.king we use the workflow automator to route to the appropriate agent as well as send quote requests to our resellers. 



Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Just starting out but I’ve deleted all the demo data and have created just HR related services and Application Requests section. Those are the two key focus areas to calm the restless staff.

Basic HR requests like Onboarding, Offboarding and Title changes. Then App requests focused around SAAS products with SSO and Azure security groups to manage them.  Those are our two biggest ticket requests.

Userlevel 7
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Our customers have about the same as @keefe.andrews  

Could add Business applications and Freshservice 



Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Don’t forget a service catalog item to allow business to request new service catalog items.  I’m adding that in today.  Help Me - Help You. I should probably pop the cork on the Project Management module and track implementation of approved new service requests, hard to give up excel though.  *** just thinking outloud ***
