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Hey @FW Community,

anyone using Threads to collaborate with teams outside of Freshdesk?

We are exploring Threads as to be used to loop in an internal team (let’s say third level alike).
They are pretty well self-organized and use a group email in Outlook - So the plan is to keep them outside of Freshdesk.

Currently they are contacted from agent’s Outlook, so agents do copy&paste all relevant information into the email.
On top of that, agents have to juggle tickets in Freshdesk and the team’s responses in their Outlook.

With threads we could use canned responses to fill all the details directly from Freshdesk ticket and use automations to reopen tickets on the team’s reply.


Here’s the issue (or where at least I see a problem):

  1. Creating a Forward Thread via sending an email to the team from our main service address (

    The email finds it’s way to the team, so all good.

  2. The team replies from Outlook - So one member from her/his private email address.
    As soon as the answer comes back into Freshdesk, the recipients list looks like this:
    So the replying member (Thomas in this case) is added to the recipients list, but the (so the address where we started the Thread from) is now a recipient aswell!
    Is this intented behaviour? I guess probably not, because it really sends an email from Freshdesk to Freshdesk if an agent replies in that Thread.

Does anyone use Threads and experiences the same?

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