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To clarify, I’m asking YOU how YOU do YOUR scheduling. 

How can our company use Freshdesk to schedule tickets while getting an overview of who is doing what, where, and when? 

I’m having an incredibly difficult time grasping the concept of scheduling a date and time to resolve an open ticket. If I’m assigned a ticket on Monday that needs to be resolved by Friday, how would you suggest I add this ticket to my Outlook calendar? 

This should be an extremely basic function yet several support agents have be unable to suggest anything other than “use Google”.  We do not use Google. We use M365. None have even thought to suggest the Zapier integration which I have started to test but find quite limited. 



Has the Office 365 integration for scheduling happened yet? We are new to Freshservice and need this as a function. We were told that it was available during the sell, but we asked and was told that they don’t think it is… you mentioned:

“We would soon be coming up with the Office 365 calendar integration and our product team is working on including this on our roadmap.” 

Is it out yet and if so, can you send some tips on how to configure?

@anthonys123 There is no native integration of Microsoft Office 365 Calendar with Freshdesk yet. I’m sorry about that! I can definitely understand how handy this would be for customers using Microsoft O365 Calendar. 

We currently have the Office 365 Calendar application for our Freshservice, Freshsales, and Freshworks CRM products and would bring this soon with Freshdesk as well.

However, there are other third-party applications like Zapier, Intregromat, etc., that help you to integrate the Office 365 Calendar with Freshdesk.


Freshworks Community Team

Hi All,

We’ve just launched Recurring Tickets for Freshdesk that solves for your need to create tickets on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

Freshdesk Recurring Tickets Integration | Freshworks Marketplace


What’s more is that you can configure multiple actions to execute during every schedule.


It’s available right now for only $29/month.


Arun Rajkumar

We have a 2 person support team and have had up to 300 tickets open at a time and are now down to about 120, so we feel the pain of needing to have a better picture of when tickets were submitted, or when they are due for a time-sensitive event.

We have sadly resorted to an Excel spreadsheet that one of our technicians uses to add the previous day’s tickets to  if they weren’t resolved (that way we aren’t scheduling issues resolved same-day).  She makes each entry a hyperlink to the Freshdesk ticket, and changes the color of them when we resolve them.

There’s a TON of manual labor being done and it would be sweet if we could just sync them up with a calendar and view by either entry date or due date.

I might wind up writing a quick web-app to pull this information and plug into an existing Calendar library, but probably not until we get our ticket count down to 25 or less. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey @yvoheinen,

The Scheduling Dashboard in Freshdesk helps admins/supervisors get a holistic view of their field technicians’ schedules, and allows them to assign service tasks in real-time on the Field Service Management(FSM) feature. I believe that this will not help you schedule the tickets, like an Office 365 calendar integration would do. 

We would soon be coming up with the Office 365 calendar integration and our product team is working on including this on our roadmap. 


Freshworks Community Team

This is very easy to schedule the calendar. There are 2 Options one is by using your mobile offline Calendar and 2nd is Online calendar, Both are easy to use and can manage freely. You can use one of them which you want.  

This is very easy to schedule the calendar. There are 2 Options one is by using your mobile offline Calendar and 2nd is Online calendar, Both are easy to use and can manage freely. You can use one of them which you want.  

Cool! How do you do this?

@anthonys123 There is no native integration of Microsoft Office 365 Calendar with Freshdesk yet. I’m sorry about that! I can definitely understand how handy this would be for customers using Microsoft O365 Calendar. 

We currently have the Office 365 Calendar application for our Freshservice, Freshsales, and Freshworks CRM products and would bring this soon with Freshdesk as well.

However, there are other third-party applications like Zapier, Intregromat, etc., that help you to integrate the Office 365 Calendar with Freshdesk.


Freshdesk Community Team

Yes. I’m well aware that there is no Outlook integration - I’ve been told what FreshDesk can’t do many times. As I stated, I’m also aware of Zapier integration. 

I’m completely blown away that not a single FreshDesk user has ever had the need to schedule a ticket in a calendar.  


Yes. I’m well aware that there is no Outlook integration - I’ve been told what FreshDesk can’t do many times. As I stated, I’m also aware of Zapier integration. 

I’m completely blown away that not a single FreshDesk user has ever had the need to schedule a ticket in a calendar.  


We have relatively low ticket volumes, and thus an agent can schedule tickets manual as an appointment. But i can image with higher volumes, or as a support-supervisor, you need something more clever. Have you thought of using the scheduling dashboard?
