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Analyse a teams performance

  • 9 April 2024
  • 5 replies



I want to create a report that displays the performance of a team.

It should include the number of tickets resolved per agent, but also the tickets re-assigned to other teams per agent.

I can't figure out the second part.

Can anyone help me with this?


Much appreciated,




5 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

in analytics we build a widget counting the reassignment rates between teams, i don't know if it might help you forward :

our parameters are 

compare with 

group this by team and you get a overview.

For tickets per agent there is one already available in the templates of analytics.

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

HI @BartVB,


Thanks for your input but it’s not really what I’m looking for.

I need to assess a teams performance based on an Agent level.

So I would like to know how many tickets they resolved and how many they reassigned.


The metric count for reassignment seems to add a +1 to the agent to whom it was assigned rather than the one who reassigned it. 


Kind Regards,


Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hey @RobinHen thanks for your query! I’m tagging one of our Community SMEs who can help @mario.volante ! Thank you @BartVB for contributing to resolving the query

Also, sharing our Community Subject Matter Page, should you have missed it! Please feel free to tag our community managers to assist you!

Should you need any other assistance, you can always reach out to me or my colleague @Kamakshi V to assist you.

Best, Ally

Hi @RobinHen ,

If you are open to using tags on tickets, you could create a workflow which tags tickets that move groups. That tag can include the name/email of the agent performing the action. This is reportable as well (although might not be as easy to combine with other agent performance reports). 

This is the 2 node workflow I came up with. You can add a conditional block as well if you want to limit what types of tickets this applies to.


This photo above shows the widget query to access count of tickets reassigned by each agent.

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hi @mario.volante,


I have implemented the Tag solution for a couple of days now and I can confirm that it works well.

It’s not the ideal solution but it works great as a workaround.


Thanks for your input,


