Is there a way to show the Feedback widget with a custom button.

  • 24 November 2013
  • 6 replies

  • Apprentice
  • 0 replies

I want to use the feedback widget, but I don't want the standaard button. I want my own button for styling and placement, but when pressed the feedback widget should show. 

I've tried to used the embedded widget in a dialog, but I always get a text area for the question with a height = 0



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6 replies


If you set the offset of the button as, say, -1500px, that should make the button disappear. Your code should look something like this:

<script type="text/javascript"> FreshWidget.init("", {"queryString": "&widgetType=popup&screenshot=no", "widgetType": "popup", "buttonText": "Support", "buttonColor": "white", "buttonBg": "#006063", "backgroundImage": "", "alignment": "4", "offset": "-1500px", "formHeight": "500px", "url": "https://{{yourcompany}}"} ); </script>

And you can trigger the widget with this: <a href="#" onclick="; return false;">Submit Feedback</a>

Hope this helps!

Cool, thanks. 

This works perfectly.

Not a problem! :) 

Hi I want to pass a variable to Is it possible?

Is there a way to have a customer hit submit button and direct them to another page?

Sorry guys, Not possible for both Savinay's and Chris's query