I have a subject line that comes in as zero|one|two|three|date. I am trying to create an expression that will take the date and convert it to an ISO date to be used later. so far i have the following
{% assign subject = {{ticket.subject}}%}{% assign date= subject | split: "|" %}{{datet4]}}
This will seem to work in an app but not the expression builder to get the date. First problem
If I can get the correct date extracted I planned on doing the following:
lets say the date I extract is 07292022, i could use
date(2022,07,29) to convert the date, this works the expression builder and will return a good date but when I use
date(substring('07292022',4,8),substring('07292022',0,2),substring('07292022',2,4)) it does not work. Second problem
I then planned on using the split function from the first problem to insert into the substrings where the date is but I just cant figure out the syntax of liquid and the expression builder.