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Hi All,

Was wondering if anyone’s split their Freshservice ticket system into different groups such as IT, HR, Site/Estates team?


We want our end users to be able to send a ticket to us and it assign that ticket to the designated group such as an IT Request will go to IT group and HR Request will automatically assign it to HR.


Only issue we may find is when end users send tickets via email - not sure how that will determine which group it will go to.


Hope that makes sense but any tips would be helpful as we don’t want to purchase a complete new license and new freshworks under each department group. 



We went the route of disabling email ticket creation, and just setting up an autoreply that directs the users to the portal. From there we setup our service catalog and incident form to ask a few questions that help the workflow direct the request to the appropriate team. We really debated internally if our users would really miss not having email as a form of ticket submission, but in the end there were literally no complaints and because people have become more accustomed to the portal they are more likely to capture the current status and updates their vs calling or emailing in for current ticket status. We also see much higher SR utilization (we are around 50% SR vs incident).

As mentioned in the previous reply it is easy to create the workflows to route Service Requests and tickets submitted through the portal to individual departments or people based on the Category/Sub-category/Item information or based on a specific question on a service request form. 

You can also cleanly set up multiple email addresses so each one vs. to route to the specific department they serve. This has been the most reliable way I have found to separate email submissions. 

It is possible, however much more difficult to set up the ability to route tickets based on keywords. A workflow can look for the “subject contains” but in my experience, this is about 50/50 for accuracy.  If you find a clean way (more accurate than 50%) to set this up, please share!

Hello @Umeracle, your request is not abnormal by any means. Many people leverage freshservice for different departments. The easiest way to do so is to look at the Freshservice Workflow Automator that allows you to route tickets to the correct groups based on any number of conditions. Here is a link to learn how to use that tool. 

For email to ticket, when you set up the support email addresses, you can designate where tickets are assigned when they come in. If you need to be more granular than that, you can again use workflow automator to run on those tickets as well.

For the different departments you can create agent groups and/or roles to control agent permissions and/or access to tickets.

Hopefully this helps get you started. Let us know if you need a more detailed explanation after giving it a shot.

Take care :)

Thank you Zach for this - will give that a go to get this setup

Hello @Umeracle, your request is not abnormal by any means. Many people leverage freshservice for different departments. The easiest way to do so is to look at the Freshservice Workflow Automator that allows you to route tickets to the correct groups based on any number of conditions. Here is a link to learn how to use that tool. 

For email to ticket, when you set up the support email addresses, you can designate where tickets are assigned when they come in. If you need to be more granular than that, you can again use workflow automator to run on those tickets as well.

For the different departments you can create agent groups and/or roles to control agent permissions and/or access to tickets.

Hopefully this helps get you started. Let us know if you need a more detailed explanation after giving it a shot.

Take care :)
