
Ticket Automator multiple approvers

  • 21 September 2022
  • 9 replies


Hey folks,

I need to find a better way to create a workflow where will trigger 5 different department to request approval.

I have a Service Catalog with a MultiSelect field, where the user can select the systems from 5 different department, for each department I need to send an approval request, however I'll have 120 different combinations to cover all possibilities.
Any ideas how to create a easy workflow?


9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hello @flavio.castro, I would try using custom objects and reference them in the workflow automator. Here is some material to get you started.

Hope this helps


Only problem I saw with the Custom Objects, I have no option to multiselect, only Dropdown.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Only problem I saw with the Custom Objects, I have no option to multiselect, only Dropdown.

Hmm, I guess that is true since you would want to return just one record. I wonder if you could get around that with the expression node. If you could get the contents of the multiselect field and edit that into a string, perhaps you could compare that result to the custom object getting one record that would contain all the email addresses of the approvers necessary. Not elegant, and no promises it would work, but just a thought. I know that @daniel.soderlund is really good at using the expression builder in conjunction to the web request nodes. Maybe he can help.

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Does the community ever do a live discussion sessions to talk through things like this? It might be an easier approach to have an open discussion and design session to talk through what you are trying to do and how others have approached similar designs.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Only problem I saw with the Custom Objects, I have no option to multiselect, only Dropdown.

Hmm, I guess that is true since you would want to return just one record. I wonder if you could get around that with the expression node. If you could get the contents of the multiselect field and edit that into a string, perhaps you could compare that result to the custom object getting one record that would contain all the email addresses of the approvers necessary. Not elegant, and no promises it would work, but just a thought. I know that @daniel.soderlund is really good at using the expression builder in conjunction to the web request nodes. Maybe he can help.


The solution I use is to have service items and each service item have it’s one set of approvers defined in 2 custom objects. One is for setting the category, if it doesn’t need an approver, group to assign. How many steps need be approved. Example first manager then named approver (Service owner)
Second defines the different steps, step 1 Manager Step 2 Named approver. 

With the multi dropdown field you get an array and there is no loop function in FS. You can only select one item at the time in a Custom Object. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Does the community ever do a live discussion sessions to talk through things like this? It might be an easier approach to have an open discussion and design session to talk through what you are trying to do and how others have approached similar designs.

They are working on creating Freshworks User Network groups. Which would allow us to organize group events to talk about all things Freshservice related, including solving complex business problems. @rashmi.nag how is that process coming?

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Does the community ever do a live discussion sessions to talk through things like this? It might be an easier approach to have an open discussion and design session to talk through what you are trying to do and how others have approached similar designs.

Hi @PatrickMurphy - Great suggestion and we’d love to organize one in the coming months to facilitate such discussions between all of you. Would really love all your inputs in identifying themes like these that you would like to discuss in such live discussions.

@zachary.king - We’re seeing a good progress in setting up the Freshworks User Network Program for our Community members! This is going to enable each one of you to be able to meet your peers in your regions/ areas of interest/ industries and much more. I can’t wait to share more info around this in the coming weeks! So stay tuned for that as well :D

Badge +2

Did anyone get a solution for this? I am having the same problem.

Badge +2

NVM, I found the solution by following this article’s instructions:
