I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to set the due date on my Onboarding tickets as the date/time that is entered on the form. I created a custom field to identify the new employee’s start date and time.
I tried using the expression to capture the date & time, then set the due date using that expression, but it just simply not working.
This can’t be as difficult as it’s turning out to be, someone help me, please!
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Hi there
I created the following automation and it works for me. Please check the below screenshots, do it give it a try & post your comments here.
I’ve added the start date placeholder in the below expression
Action :
Hello @lulrichs if @suvashini.balashanmugam ‘s suggestion doesn’t work, can you share with us what errors you are getting?
Thank you all so much for the help!!! I am currently trying to build out the IT side of our ticketing system and haven’t gotten back around to this, but will definitely update you all when I do!
Hello @lulrichs if @suvashini.balashanmugam ‘s suggestion doesn’t work, can you share with us what errors you are getting?
Hi all!
So I had some time to get back around to this and tried the above suggestions, but it doesn’t seem to be working properly.
I actually created custom fields for this, because I have a form that handles New Hires as well as LOA Returners. We also require a time, and I don’t think the default Start Date field offered a time option. Okay so bear with me now…
Here is the form field when they submit the request:
When the ticket is entered, it shows like so:
Here is my workflow (I also tried entering the above 04-29-2024 12:00 PM into the test expresion field and I’m getting errors there, so right off the bat I just know it’s not working):
Just for reference, here’s my Action:
I know the workflow is working because the other fields I have configured are populating correctly (but obviously those are easier because they’re just text fields).
Let me know if you need any additional info!!
Okay so this is what I get for spending the last month of my life working solely on setting up Freshservice & automations…….
Clear as day in the automation, there’s a drop down on the date field for the ISO date……..
****** FACEPALM ******
Oops! that was a miss! But that’s ok! I thought you might. have used the placeholder already since I mentioned that in my screenshot. No worries at all! end of the day you’ve figured it out!:)