Onil Theme for Freshdesk with Multi Languages

  • 31 August 2020
  • 2 replies

Hello Guys,

You can see one of our recent Onil Theme user Virtual Surveyor.

Onil is a popular Freshdesk support portal theme for any purpose with more features, trusted and loved by many users worldwide.

You can see the user Testimonial below -

"Aries Themes provides some of the best-looking themes in the Freshdesk gallery and delivered on their promise for great support!"

- Tom Op 't Eyndt (Virtual Surveyor)

You can see our theme users Testimonial here - https://ariesthemes.com/#testimonial

Theme Features -

  • Multi-Languages Support Included in the custom text
  • Fully responsive theme
  • Included “Font Awesome” icons
  • Fully compatible with Freshdesk Mint and Freshservice
  • Modern browsers compatible
  • Fully customizable and clean code



If have any questions feel free to email us.


Aries Themes

(Freshdesk and Freshservice Theming Expert)


ashwin.nethaji 3 years ago

Hey @info_17338,

Thanks for sharing your theme on our community for our customers’ reference. Please feel free to share more themes and updates regarding any developments for users looking for a similar theme.


View original

2 replies

Hey @info_17338,

Thanks for sharing your theme on our community for our customers’ reference. Please feel free to share more themes and updates regarding any developments for users looking for a similar theme.


Hello Ashwin Nethaji,

Thanks for your updates.

We’ll share our latest theme as soon as possible.

Have a great day.


Team Aries Themes
