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{{ticket.latest_public_comment_text}} placeholder is inlcluding text from email chain, rather than just the comment.

  • 12 July 2024
  • 2 replies

When using the {{ticket.latest_public_comment_text}} placeholder, it’s passing through the last public comment but sometimes also the content of the email chain. This causes very long blocks of text to be passed through which is very undesirable.


When viewing a ticket in Freshdesk, email chains are automatically hidden and must be expanded to see, so Freshdesk can clearly tell what is a part of the latest note and what isn’t.


Is there a way to use this or another placeholder without including the email chain? I am using these in an automation trigger and passing the JSON to Slack.

I’ve since started using the `| truncate` filter on the response placeholder, but would still like a clean way of including the entire response minus any email chain.

When using {{ticket.latest_public_comment_text}} in Freshdesk, it sometimes includes the entire email chain. Is there an alternative placeholder that excludes the email chain for automation triggers in Slack?
