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Issue with On-Call Overrides Causing Coverage Gaps

  • 22 April 2024
  • 3 replies


I am reaching out to see if anyone else is running into issues with the On-Call Module and Coverage Overrides?  We notice that in some instances providing an override in a shift will cause gaps to start forming in the schedule:


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12


Not that I have noticed it, but you could have found a bug. I’d suggest to submit a support case and they will confirm you or help you address it.



Badge +3

Thanks.  We already had an open ticket on it but are not seeing much progress so far.  I just wanted to gauge how wide-spread it might be.

Userlevel 2

Hello @repatterson , this was a bug which has now been fixed. The bug was impacting the handoff times (not honoring time manually set by user but changing it to 0:00). It should not re-occur for you again.
