Hello All,
I have a requirement where in i need to create a Card under Support Portal. When we click on the card, it should take us to the Web page which should give users an option to select the products like Different kind of laptops and accessories. Once they select it, and submit it, it should raise a service request.
I have tested my html java script on a machine, it should well. But when i am keeping it on Footer and saving it, it shows Scripting has been restricted to avoid spam.
Script portion that gives that error is below
let cart = c];
// Function to add items to the cart
function addToCart(name, price) {
cart.push({ name, price });
// Function to update cart display
function updateCartDisplay() {
const cartItemsDiv = document.getElementById('cart-items');
cartItemsDiv.innerHTML = '';
let total = 0;
cart.forEach((item, index) => {
total += parseFloat(item.price);
const itemDiv = document.createElement('div');
itemDiv.textContent = `${item.name} - $${item.price}`;
const removeButton = document.createElement('button');
removeButton.textContent = 'Remove';
removeButton.onclick = () => removeFromCart(index);
document.getElementById('total-price').textContent = `Total Price: $${total.toFixed(2)}`;
// Function to remove items from the cart
function removeFromCart(index) {
cart.splice(index, 1);
// Add event listeners to buttons
document.querySelectorAll('.item button').forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
const price = button.getAttribute('data-price');
const name = button.getAttribute('data-name');
addToCart(name, price);
// Submit Order function
document.getElementById('submit-order').addEventListener('click', async () => {
const requestorName = document.getElementById('requestor-name').value;
const requestedFor = document.getElementById('requested-for').value;
const newHireReason = document.getElementById('new-hire-reason').value;
// Prepare ticket payload
const ticketPayload = {
ticket: {
subject: `Order from ${requestorName}`,
description: `Items ordered:\n${cart.map(item => `${item.name} - $${item.price}`).join('\n')}\n\nRequested For: ${requestedFor}\nReason: ${newHireReason}`,
priority: 2, // Medium priority
status: 2, // Open status
category_id: 123456 // Replace with actual category ID
// Make the API call to Freshservice
try {
const response = await fetch('https://yourdomain.freshservice.com/api/v2/tickets', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa('API_KEY:') // Replace with your API key
body: JSON.stringify(ticketPayload)
if (response.ok) {
alert('Order submitted successfully!');
// Reset cart and form
cart = o];
document.getElementById('requestor-name').value = '';
document.getElementById('requested-for').value = '';
document.getElementById('new-hire-reason').selectedIndex = 0;
} else {
alert('Failed to submit order: ' + response.statusText);
} catch (error) {
alert('Error: ' + error.message);