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Important update: We have updated the release timelines of “Rest APIs for New-Gen Project Management ” on 01st July 2022. This enhancement will be available by 15th Jul' 22 instead of 30th June’22.

Note: All the features/enhancements below will be available on Starter and Growth plans on Jun 15th. For Pro and Enterprise plans will be available on Jun 29th.

Product version: 2022.R06L.01


New Features and Enhancements


On-Call Management now in GA & also available under Growth plan

Category: IT Operations Management

Trial customers will now no longer need to raise a special request for trying out the On-Call Management module. Plus, the module will now also be available under the Growth plan in addition to the existing Pro and Enterprise plans.

Major enhancements since the beta in November now enable users to receive separate notifications for Urgent and High priority incidents, disable notifications and escalation based on incident priority, collaborate on Slack, and increase the total interval between escalation levels by up to 24 hours.

This module will be generally available by the end of June in all data centers except India.

More details here.






CSAT survey for agents created tickets

Category: IT Service Management

Agents can now receive customer satisfaction surveys for the tickets created by them. Admins should be able to configure this feature from the CSAT Survey List page to enable/disable sending surveys for tickets raised by requesters who are also an agent in the system. rEFZA-Y6n8ynrk-wb7GyXPhdfNiUoWw7KtcC1JF-RsZvwGXRXPwf4ZNXHG-BEvyg6GaWDz7Z0bK-I0nhVOnzVCQ8lflGuFaCXBKn81I8oa0iQcNnDv_msojSPkVLCbxWiJM00QW7ey2EQSDdkg


Reporting on Custom User Fields in Analytics

Category: IT Service Management

Agents can now report on custom fields added to a user's profile. These fields will also appear under the associated agent and requester set of fields when you create reports for other modules, such as tickets, problems, and assets.

Note: This will be available for all plans by 30th June.


Rest APIs for New-Gen Project Management 

Category: Project Management

Users of new-gen project management will now be able to read, create, update and delete projects and project tasks via APIs and leverage or manage their project data from third-party tools.

Note: We have updated the release timelines of this enhancement on 01st July 2022. This will be available by 15th Jul' 22 instead of 30th June’22.


Enhanced asset audit using Discovery Probe

Category: IT Asset Management

Discovery Probe can now capture audit records for all device scans irrespective of incidence of changes in their state.

Note: This enhancement can be enabled on demand by reaching out to


Enhanced software discovery from VMware vCenter using Discovery Agent

Category: IT Asset Management

Discovering software from VMware cloud assets using discovery agent is now more powerful with enhanced reconciliation.


‘Ticket is acknowledged’ as a workflow event

Category: Workflows/Automation

Trigger workflows when a ticket is acknowledged as part of On Call Management.

For example, perform actions like adding a note or sending an email based on when a ticket is acknowledged.



Orchestration Center Updates

Category: Workflows/Automation

New Orchestration apps:

  • Bitbucket: Perform operations on projects, repositories, pulls, issues, issue comments, and issue attachments using the Bitbucket Orchestration app. More details here

  • Freshdesk- Invoke operations on Freshdesk Support Desk Agents, Groups, and Tickets via the Workflow Automator. More details here

  • Gitlab On-prem -  Perform User, Group, and Project Management actions on Gitlab Onprem with the help of the Orchestration Server. More details here

  • PagerDuty -  Create incidents and perform user-based actions on Pagerduty. More details here

 Orchestration App Enhancements:

Okta : Perform the following actions in Okta

  •  Assign a group to the application

  •  Get assigned user for the application

  •  Remove group from application


Gsuite : Perform the following actions in Gsuite 

  •  Enable Auto Reply

  •  Create Forwarding Address

  •  Wipe User Device

  •  Transfer UserData


Bug Fixes


These were the product defects detected and they’ve now been fixed.

  • 500 error while accessing Employee Onboarding (EOB) tickets.

  • When the account level timezone was set to Eastern Time (UTC-11) in production, the sandbox was getting created at a different timezone (UTC-5).

  • The date on the list page showed one date previous to the selected date on the ticket list page.

  • Agents were not able to access tickets from the ticket associations in the new-gen project management.

  • In End User Portal - Requesters were not able to access the portal.

  • In edge cases, Service requests were created without considering all the mandatory fields.

  • On-Call Schedule - When the schedule is being added the second time to the on-call calendar, it was throwing an error.

  • During active directory user sync certain scenarios were not triggered in the FreshID callback.

  • Serial numbers starting with zero get truncated when exporting the assets.

  • The automatic reminder email in the Employee Onboarding (EOB) was not working as expected. 

  • In Workflow Automator, Condition node - the combination of none and any group with the INCLUDES operator doesn't work as expected.

  • 'Add People' option on the ticket was showing an incorrect notification message.

  • In the Conversation portal, users were getting solution articles that they didn't have permission to access.

Nice but one small change I’ve been asking for for a long time is the ability to show the list of ticket views in alphabetical order.  Now they are just in apparently random order, it would be much better for agents if the list of ticket views were sorted in order.

Another round of great updates. Look forward to any enhancement with Analytics. And the addition of New-Gen project management APIs is a big win as well!!! Keep them coming.

Take care!

Nice but one small change I’ve been asking for for a long time is the ability to show the list of ticket views in alphabetical order.  Now they are just in apparently random order, it would be much better for agents if the list of ticket views were sorted in order.

Or even be able to provide a ticket queue to any group as an administrator! Right now you can only provide ticket list views to groups that you are apart of. Even myself as the site administrator can’t create a ticket view for dedicated groups that would be the “normal” view for them unless I am apart of every group at which point I then have to also be apart of all the automations, group workflows, etc.

Thanks for these updates.  It is good to see continued development in the maturity of the product.  It would be great to be able to sort the ticket list by the column header.


Fantastic enhancements! Keep them coming in.

Although it would be amazing to be able to reply to customers on Changes and Problems, the same way you do on tickets. This just makes for a much better user experience for all parties and can save the extra admin. 

Nice but one small change I’ve been asking for for a long time is the ability to show the list of ticket views in alphabetical order.  Now they are just in apparently random order, it would be much better for agents if the list of ticket views were sorted in order.

We have added an option to star commonly used views in the ticket list so that the agent doesn't have to search for views.

 @aseemaishwarya would love to understand the use-case for sorting.

Thanks for these updates.  It is good to see continued development in the maturity of the product.  It would be great to be able to sort the ticket list by the column header.


This is part of our roadmap. We are exploring the pre-requisities for implementing this, post which we should have a clear idea on timelines.

cc @aseemaishwarya 


Fantastic enhancements! Keep them coming in.

Although it would be amazing to be able to reply to customers on Changes and Problems, the same way you do on tickets. This just makes for a much better user experience for all parties and can save the extra admin. 


@mpanayides you can try using notes with ‘at mentioning’.


Fantastic enhancements! Keep them coming in.

Although it would be amazing to be able to reply to customers on Changes and Problems, the same way you do on tickets. This just makes for a much better user experience for all parties and can save the extra admin. 


@mpanayidesyou can try using notes with ‘at mentioning’.


Hi @Vishal Nema,

Notes is just not clean or a nice way of communicating with our external customers. They work best for private messages.

Having a reply feature like tickets is smooth. Being able to search for a customers email address in the To: field instead of manually typing them in every single time you want to communicate to more than 1 person is onerous. 



for the next update..Could one consideration be a 30 day hold state, and just like warranty emails and auto genersated tickets, get one based on that 30 day hold ending? 

We and many other companies use this as a hold period just after upgrading or replacing a PC, but before wiping it.

Not just a state added but also a option to allow for triggering workflow.


the workaround currently is setting up a custom state, workflow to email the user notifying to let us know if anything is missing before then, api to gcal to create an event, that event has a notification that emails the address for our IT desk ticket generation.

The API for this is not stable enough to work everytime.

Fantastic enhancements! Keep them coming in.

Although it would be amazing to be able to reply to customers on Changes and Problems, the same way you do on tickets. This just makes for a much better user experience for all parties and can save the extra admin. 


@mpanayidesyou can try using notes with ‘at mentioning’.


Hi @Vishal Nema,

Notes is just not clean or a nice way of communicating with our external customers. They work best for private messages.

Having a reply feature like tickets is smooth. Being able to search for a customers email address in the To: field instead of manually typing them in every single time you want to communicate to more than 1 person is onerous. 



that and the ability to remove the person who submitted the ticket. sometimes the person submitted for someone else and wants out of the loop. or its more just to email another supporter in closure of the issue


Which Software-as-service tool do you use to your Product release notes? I really like it and would like to use something similar at our company;

for the next update..Could one consideration be a 30 day hold state, and just like warranty emails and auto genersated tickets, get one based on that 30 day hold ending? 

We and many other companies use this as a hold period just after upgrading or replacing a PC, but before wiping it.

Not just a state added but also a option to allow for triggering workflow.


the workaround currently is setting up a custom state, workflow to email the user notifying to let us know if anything is missing before then, api to gcal to create an event, that event has a notification that emails the address for our IT desk ticket generation.

The API for this is not stable enough to work everytime.

Will on-call have integration in Teams?  Is that on the road map? 

Nice but one small change I’ve been asking for for a long time is the ability to show the list of ticket views in alphabetical order.  Now they are just in apparently random order, it would be much better for agents if the list of ticket views were sorted in order.

Would be great to be able to sort by all ticket columns, especially STATE.  As of right now, you can’t do anything with STATE, even in reporting (unless something has changed)

Can we please turn this “feature” off?

Not only is it annoying that whether you’ve “read” the update is stored in a cookie, but I honestly don’t care to know about the “latest and greatest” update -- especially if it doesn’t affect me.

I find compelled to click something just to clear the number badge. In this case, it’s just a waste of my time to do so.


The orange notification number in the icon is annoying


Can we please turn this “feature” off?

Not only is it annoying that whether you’ve “read” the update is stored in a cookie, but I honestly don’t care to know about the “latest and greatest” update -- especially if it doesn’t affect me.

I find compelled to click something just to clear the number badge. In this case, it’s just a waste of my time to do so.


The orange notification number in the icon is annoying




100% agree.  This should be removed ASAP.  How about putting the number of items due today or something useful in the favicon?

Is there a swagger or documentation for the New-Gen project management API? I don’t see it on the api page (


Rest APIs for New-Gen Project Management 

Category: Project Management

Users of new-gen project management will now be able to read, create, update and delete projects and project tasks via APIs and leverage or manage their project data from third-party tools.

Note: This will be available for all plans by 30th June.

Hey everyone: Important update: We have updated the release timelines of “Rest APIs for New-Gen Project Management ” on 01st July 2022. This enhancement will be available by 15th Jul' 22 instead of 30th June’22.

cc @AwantikaJha 

Hey everyone: Important update: We have updated the release timelines of “Rest APIs for New-Gen Project Management ” on 01st July 2022. This enhancement will be available by 15th Jul' 22 instead of 30th June’22.

cc @AwantikaJha 

Will the Swagger API file be released alongside?

Fantastic enhancements! Keep them coming in.

Although it would be amazing to be able to reply to customers on Changes and Problems, the same way you do on tickets. This just makes for a much better user experience for all parties and can save the extra admin. 


@mpanayidesyou can try using notes with ‘at mentioning’.


This would be selecting individual customers? The need is to be able to bulk message all impacted customers. This is a real impediment to getting buy in on usage of the module. The ability to view associated tickets in a regular ticket view would be great and would allow the agent much flexibility in treating the problem.

Can we please turn this “feature” off?

Not only is it annoying that whether you’ve “read” the update is stored in a cookie, but I honestly don’t care to know about the “latest and greatest” update -- especially if it doesn’t affect me.

I find compelled to click something just to clear the number badge. In this case, it’s just a waste of my time to do so.


The orange notification number in the icon is annoying


We have the same issue. Furthermore our agents do not want this information, it’s for Freshservice admins only.

Will on-call have integration in Teams?  Is that on the road map? 

Hello @zebb.s! Yes, MS Teams is on the roadmap for On-Call Management.  

Which Software-as-service tool do you use to your Product release notes? I really like it and would like to use something similar at our company;

@rashmi.nag 👍 to the platform. Hope you can share the details with Luke here :)