
🎉 Analytics Homepage: Fresh Look, Better Experience! 🎉

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🎉 Analytics Homepage: Fresh Look, Better Experience! 🎉

Freshdesk’s all-new Analytics homepage offers a blend of visual appeal and ease of accessibility. Here’s what’s new:

📌 Sleek & Clutter-Free Interface: Our revamped homepage showcases enhanced usability, ensuring a clutter-free and intuitive interface. It's now easier to navigate, with a design that's easy on the eyes.

📌Organized Access: Find all your reports in one place! Access your Curated, Private, Shared, Owned, and Deleted reports effortlessly from the left pane.

📌Bookmark & Filter: Save time by bookmarking your go-to reports under Favorites. Plus, refine your views and find exactly what you need with our enhanced filters.

📌 Dedicated Help Center: From video tutorials to interactive self-guided tours, FAQs, and detailed solution articles - we’ve got you covered! To further familiarize yourselves with Analytics, we're introducing:

  • Metric Guide: Your one-stop glossary! This guide has detailed definitions for all metrics and attributes to ensure you're always informed.
  • Contextual Definitions: Now, whenever you're about to choose a metric or attribute in any dropdown across analytics, you'll find a handy definition right next to it. This feature extends to various selections, including metrics, Groupby, filters, etc.

Learn more about the new homepage in Analytics

Other enhancements in Analytics: 

  • Multiple scheduler: Admins can schedule the reports to be delivered to multiple stakeholders at different frequencies without cloning reports. Learn more
  • Underlying data filters: Admins can drill down into the underlying data further using filters. Learn more

This feature is available for all Freshdesk accounts. Reach out to for any queries. 

Thank you for being a part of our community. We're committed to enhancing your experience every step of the way. 🚀

Hey @ashik.basha, is this something that will be switched on automatically or best to reach out to our CSM to get this switched on? Thanks!

Hey @AaronParker, yes. Please reach out to your CSM and we can get it enabled on your Freshdesk account. 

Hey @ashik.basha 

Nice to see some improvements in Analytics.

The link to the Underlying data filters support article is broken - And also your description is somehow the same as for Multiple scheduler. Can you check?




Hi @thomas, thanks for the call-out. I’ve updated the copy and links.