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Freshmarketer Release Notes — September 2022

Related products: Freshmarketer

New Features and Enhancements


Pre-built industry bots optimized for Shopify storeowners and D2C businesses: We’ve released new bot templates for Beauty, Clothing, and Jewelry industries. These chatbots fully automate marketing and support workflows at scale on the customer’s preferred channels— WhatsApp, SMS, ABC, and web.

Now, customers can easily customize the pre-built conversational flows to meet their specific needs, without having to build a bot from scratch. This helps businesses reach more customers, personalize 1:many shopping experiences, and support customers instantly without any wait time on their preferred channels.

Demo the bot and find out how it works**

Online Status for contacts: With the latest update, marketers can now view the contacts who are available online before sending campaigns. This can help them plan effective Chat campaigns and drive conversions from the website.

Improved WhatsApp Sync: Earlier, WhatsApp template sync occurred every 2 hours. Now, you can sync all approved templates in real time. 

Bug Fixes
Shopify tokens: A few users reported an invalid token issue when they installed/uninstalled the app from Marketplace. This issue is now fixed.

Journeys: Some users reported that contacts didn’t onboard their Journeys while using a segment trigger, which had a created_at condition. This has been fixed.

Session Replay: A few users reported an issue with the search bar under the Session Replay Module. Users were able to locate recordings only while searching with the entire name. This issue is fixed.

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