Service Catalog Item with subtask

  • 5 August 2020
  • 1 reply

We are migrating to FreshService and would like to build a service catalog item with multiple subtasks. For instance, a new computer is requested, the Service Desk Manager must place the order. The second task will be for the person building the computer. I cannot add the tags to the catalog so I thought I would create a workflow item. Another option is to create Scenario Automation that can be executed by the Server Manager. Any suggestions?

1 reply

Userlevel 1

Hi Chris,

Usually we would suggest to create a workflow automator rule to create tasks automatically upon raising the particular Service Item (or even better, you can make sure the tasks are created only after an approval is sent!) 

To do this, after you configured your Service Item, go to Admin → Workflow Automator and create a new rule with the following blocks:

Event : Service Request is Raised

Condition : Ticket.Fields.Requested Items - Includes Any - <Item Name>

Action : Add Task (Here you can stack multiple actions of the same “Add Task” option for the number of tasks you require)

Please find below snapshot for reference.


Optional Tip : Before the “Add Task” action, you can even add another action block with “Send Approval Mail to” such that the tasks are added only after the approval

After the request is raised, the configured workflow kicks in and creates the task(s) automatically as stated in the action block. You can find the same under the “Tasks” tab of the ticket as shown below:


Also, if you’re looking to make sure that the tasks are created in a sequential manner i.e. if a 2nd Task must be created only after the closure of the 1st Task, we are coming up with a Task Based Automations which is on our roadmap. You can find more details here :



Team Freshservice
