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Workflow of the Week - Session 9 - Expression Builder Explainer

  • 25 May 2022
  • 2 replies

Workflow of the Week is a recurring series that will showcase all things workflow, such as use cases, enhancements, tips, and tricks.

If you've got an interesting use case or workaround that you've implemented using workflows, reach out to us and we'll be happy to share it with the larger audience!

In this session, we will explain how to use the Expression builder node and solve a few sample use cases with both simple and complex expressions.



  1. Introduction to Expression Builder - 0.15

  2. Main sections of Expression Builder Node - 0.35

  3. Set the due date of the ticket based on the employee join date - 2:35

         Exp used to add days:


  1. Extract/ Parse data between 2 strings in the ticket description and inject it into ticket properties - 5.45

        Exp used to parse data between 2 strings (‘Date of Closure:’ and ‘,’) from the ticket description:

        substring('{{ticket.description}}', indexOf('{{ticket.description}}', 'Date of Closure:',0)+length('Date of Closure:'), indexOf('{{ticket.description}}', ',',     indexOf('{{ticket.description}}', 'Date of Closure:',0)) )


           Exp used to convert extracted date into ISO format using liquid filters:

           '{{E2.result | date: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' }}'


To view other posts in the series, search for #WorkflowoftheWeek

When I try to play the video in either Chrome or Edge, it won’t play.  It starts and stops immediately. 

EDIT - it works in full screen, but not in the preview window.

Test work fine but I get an Invalid Syntax - Missing ). when I try to click done. 


toLowerCase('{{ticket.onboarding_request.actor_1.cf_employee_name | first}}{{ticket.onboarding_request.actor_1.cf_new_hire_last_name}}
