I am having trouble POSTing a Webhook from Zapier to FreshworksCRM. In my Zap I am trying to POST a file (from GDrive) to the FreshworksCRM API, which works perfectly via Postman. Entering all information in Zapier gives us the error message 400 - Bad Request. I was assuming that Zapier is changing something in the POST Request which I can not see in the frontend - which is not the fact as the support told me. link
In Postman I am using the headers authorization:Token token={{APItoken}}
and content-type:multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
For my Form-data I am using the file in Postman which I upload manually, as well as the targetable_id
and the targetable_type
Does anyone have an idea why I can not make it work in Zapier?