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Hi, I am encountering an issue after packing my app.
Actually, i have a secure iparam with a dynamic name - named api_agentId (eg: api_12345678)


"headers": { "Authorization": "<%= iparamm'api_' + context.agentId] %>" }


When I attempt to use the above code snippet in requests.json, I encounter authorization issues because its becomes uindefined.

However, when I use a static name like ‘apikey’ as an example, I can successfully authorize access.

This issue only arises after I pack the app, there are no issues when I use ‘fdk run’.

Could you please provide assistance with this?

Reference image!


I’d suggest to submit a support case for this.



Hi @eeha0120,

Thank you for the reply.

Actually, This is an issue that many are facing.

 Hi @eeha0120,

Thank you for the reply.

Actually, This is an issue that many are facing.

Too bad to read that. Haven’t been there (yet). Hopefully, FW Development team would address this sooner that later.


