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I saw different support articles about how to deploy the FreshService Agent, but I had not seen one around using Microsoft’s Intune. We are currently using Intune for software distribution and I figured it would be helpful to share how we deploy the agent with Intune. Let me know if this post is helpful and works for you.


  1. You have the fresh service agent msi file downloaded on your PC.
  2. You have the Intune app builder “IntuneWinAppUtil.exe”. (we find this offers more custom install options than just using the MSI “line of buisness” app deployment feature in Intune) For information about the Intune app builder see this Microsoft Article:

Building your deployment:

  1. Save your Fresh service agent file in a folder by itself on your PC. In this example I used C:\temp\fs.
  2. Run the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe as an administrator.

  3. Specify the source folder: C:\temp\fs
    Specify the setup file: fs-windows-agent-2.9.0.msi
    Specify the output folder: C:\temp
    Type “n” for specify catalog folder.
    The resulting output is a fs-windows-agent.2.9.0.intunewin file in your temp folder
  4. Now login to intune at and go to Apps > Windows apps and click Add.

  5. For app type select Windows app (Win32)

  6. Click Select app package file, click the blue folder to upload the file, and select the winintune file that was created in step 3.


  7. Fill in the Publisher information (Freshworks) and any other application information you would like to display to your users. Then click next.


  8. The intune App builder will automatically detect the install and uninstall command options and fill them out for you. If your environment requires additional parameters, you can edit them in this screen. Then click next


  9. Specify any requirements for the application that you wish. We set that it should only be published to our 64 bit systems that are Windows 1909 or later. 


  10. Next you need to define how Intune will detect if the application is present or not. Select Manually configure detection rules and click the blue add link. For rule type select MSI and it will automatically generate the MSI installation string for you. Then you can click OK and then Next. 


  11. For the Dependancies and SuperSedence we do not define anything so we click next to go to Assignments. If this is your first time using intune to deploy this app, I recommend just making the app available to enrolled devices and specifing your test group of users. Once testing is done and you are satisfied, you can go back to edit this app to add it to all devices as a required app, or a group that you specify.


  12. You can then review your settings and click create to publish your application.


Looks like with 3.5 we now need to append the token to the installation.

@keefe.andrews - thanks for putting together this very helpful and detailed help article on sharing how your organization is using Microsoft Intune to deploy agents.

Love your idea and dedication and wanted to ask the community if any of our Freshservice customers have already tried this or have tried it after reading @keefe.andrews’s article.


Would love to see more of you put together your use cases on how you are using Freshservice or any of it’s features within your organization and how it has helped you in achieving your goals.

Check out this discussion to find out how you can join Keefe in creating the Freshservice Cookbooks for the community.



HI Keefe,

The installation via intune is working I had to change the install string to work without the N it gave me at the end and also do a checkup on the file instead of MSI. It seems the new version is not connecting. 

like Chris Vegter sass in this forum. the token is in the way at the moment. do you guys have another way on how to connect to the fresh service asset directory. 

Hope to hear from you.

@FabianvdH glad you have it installed, and I hope you don't want to uninstall it soon.


I don't think you tried to run any uninstallation. The install process runs fine, but when tried to remove it the app just regrets.



Not cool when you have around 400 devices as that.


This is great.  Can you do the instructions for a package for the MAC?

Thank you for providing this guide! I’ve been having issues with the software sync with the Intune connector myself, and may use this method to collect software.


Do you have any tips for fixing software sync with the Intune connector in the meantime?


A colleague of my finally got it working by using the string to all users and specifying the requirement on the msi string so it knows its installed 

Its the one it also uses for uninstallation. We now got it working. And all devices from the group are being imported 

HI Keefe,

The installation via intune is working I had to change the install string to work without the N it gave me at the end and also do a checkup on the file instead of MSI. It seems the new version is not connecting. 

like Chris Vegter sass in this forum. the token is in the way at the moment. do you guys have another way on how to connect to the fresh service asset directory. 

Hope to hear from you.

Hi Fabian,

go here and use silent installation where you can use the command described there and copy the token into it:

Installing Freshservice Discovery Agent for Windows : Freshservice

Don’t forget to use the name of your intunewin-File.

I updated my Intune with this settings 20 minutes ago and now all Clients appeared in freshservice with all info I need.

Hi Fabian,

go here and use silent installation where you can use the command described there and copy the token into it:

Installing Freshservice Discovery Agent for Windows : Freshservice

Don’t forget to use the name of your intunewin-File.

I updated my Intune with this settings 20 minutes ago and now all Clients appeared in freshservice with all info I need.

Hi Fabian just for clarification when you state dont forget to use your intunewin-file is it  the .intunewin?

I tried that but that give me a pacakge error 

and the msiexec /i "example.msi" /qn /norestart ACTION=INSTALL ALLUSERS=1 TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Freshdesk\Freshservice Discovery Agent\" REGISTRATIONTOKEN="<token>" 

this works for me but  its not authenticating the token am i missing something?

The uninstall through Intune, just do not work. Installs fine but the app regrets to be removed.


I tried both users and devices, none worked.😓


I am unable to deploy the Freshservice Discovery Agent (version 3.5.0) through Intune. Despite following all available suggestions, I continue to encounter a "Fatal error during installation (0x80070643)."

Could someone from Freshservice expertise assist with the exact steps for deploying this version through Intune, especially considering the activation key requiremen


