
Add Form Fields to Service Item Templates

  • 13 January 2023
  • 1 reply

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We would like to be able to add Form Fields to Service Items. Service Requests are tickets too!

Being able to prioritize service requests, or organize service requests if a very manual process since the Form Fields are not available on Service Requests. Service Requests need to be able to be weighted against some Incident Requests, such as access requests or Emergency Off-boarding/Terminations for example.

Currently, agents CANNOT modify these Form Fields, even trough the Business Rule on Forms. Even this would still be a very bulky undertaking having to write these rules for EACH Service Item.

Ideally, as any other ticket, we would like the ability to set all form fields (Group, Urgency, Impact, Priority, etc., essentially whats in the Properties window on the right hand panel) on the Service Item and be able to pre-set this information once, not through a manual ticket template that only agents have access to. See the other, related feature request Option for Requester Access to Incident Templates.

By adding these properties from the Form Fields, as used by Incident requests, agents can prioritize service requests against incident requests, provide data integrity through standardization, and make the fields that need to be updated by the requester editable but locking or even hiding fields which agents determine do not need to be shown to the requester. Again more details in the link above.

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I timed out while typing this out. When I refreshed, it reset to Questions, instead of Ideas. Please view the Ideas section. Link to be posted...
