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has anyone tried to track users as assets in Freshservice? 

i was thinking of using the asset DB to track our different user accounts (regular / elevated / cloud) to a User asset

What information are you trying to sync for the users?

Curious what you are trying to do with them as assets?

Are these user account already in your requesters group?  For example we sync with Azure AD and therefore our accounts come through as requesters. I actually make them inactive since they should not log into FreshService to begin with.

my thought was to use the asset/cmdb to track user accounts across systems, and when users have more than 1 account. also for service account owners. 


George (on the domain)

George (admin account)

service account for x (on the domain) 

George (local account on cloud/app that doesn't support sso)


Asset Property: owned by George (Freshservice user) 

then during any permissions checks or user exits, i can cleanup all of it or reassign it. 




Rather than a user as an asset. i think you are talking about a service…

These all look like services that George has rather than user account (albeit they involve user accounts). if you start thinking of them as services and then apply the service to the user then you should be able to track them better.


still have a similar problem, how do you associated an IT service to a bunch of “users” in freshservice. 

i would still need to treat the users as an object in the asset system (i think)

@afautley  i tried to do this based on your description. one problem i found was that if i add the association for a service ‘used by” my user account, when i filter the asset view for used by, it doesn't show up.

also from an user as an asset idea, it would be interesting to track certain events against a user object without having to create tickets for them. the same way alerts and changes can be tracked against a computer asset.
