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The agent screen can I add another tab for resolution information 


Like one for notes and another tab for resolution for closing out ticket I attached what we have now in another help desk 

you see the note tab and then resolution information and tab

then the resolution code drop down and note box 


We have used a competing product that had a dedicate resolution field.  We could then validate against this field so agents were required to put a resolution for each ticket.  Currently, we have no way of validating if a resolution is really added for each ticket since the “notes” field is really multi-purpose.  We tried adding a resolution field but having the field in the sidebar wasn’t ideal and didn’t provide for rich formatting and we couldn’t validate against it with a business rule as there is no condition for “is blank” or “is empty” for a paragraph field.  

We have a “Closing Comments” field that we use to have agents add their resolution comments, and I am able to validate if the field is empty using the following conditional in workflow automators. Hope this helps.


We have used a competing product that had a dedicate resolution field.  We could then validate against this field so agents were required to put a resolution for each ticket.  Currently, we have no way of validating if a resolution is really added for each ticket since the “notes” field is really multi-purpose.  We tried adding a resolution field but having the field in the sidebar wasn’t ideal and didn’t provide for rich formatting and we couldn’t validate against it with a business rule as there is no condition for “is blank” or “is empty” for a paragraph field.  

@zachary.king got it thank you. Is it possible to add another tab here for closing notes or no? can you edit this box?


No you cannot edit the notes box, that is property of freshworks and their backend code and UI. But what you can do is look into creating custom applications that allow you to build note taking capability.

In reference to the “Closing Comments” box, what we do is use workflow to take the contents of that field and post it to the ticket as a note. That way it doesn’t get overwritten or lost. And each time an agent interacts with a ticket they are to update that closing comments box if they change the status of the ticket to closed, once again triggering the workflow to add the contents as a note to the ticket.

Hope that helps!

@zachary.king got it thank you. Is it possible to add another tab here for closing notes or no? can you edit this box?


@zachary.king How can I add the closing comment paragraph field from the admin screen?

Just as @daniel.soderlund mentioed you can add all sorts of form fields. If it is something that you may want to make required for agents to fill in before closing the ticket, you will want to mark it Required when creating the field.


@zachary.king How can I add the closing comment paragraph field from the admin screen?

Hello, it’s a field you add here Admin → Field Manager → Form Fields

@zachary.king How can I add the closing comment paragraph field from the admin screen?

Hello, as  @zachary.king say and you can hide the fields using a business rule. So the agent will only see them when they close the ticket. 

Hello @rgilliam the tickets module does not allow us to add “Tabs” necessarily, but you may be able to accomplish something along the same lines of information gathering with a custom application that you can install in the ticket sidebar. 

Also you could look at adding some additional fields that your agents fill in with their resolutions that will stay with the ticket. We use a “Closing Comments” paragraph field that agents are required to put in their resolution when closing a ticket.

Hope that helps.
