
Analytics: Extract Asset as Source

  • 6 March 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi dears,

We can’t extract from Analytics Section an attribute that have a “Asset” as “Source”. We want extract all values contained in the Asset called “Location_SR” that is connected to “Azienda” field. (See picture n.1 in attached)



In particular we want select “Azienda” field in the Total Ticket Filter selection, but in the total ticket Filter Selection, “Azienda” filed doesn’t appear. (See picture n.2 in attached)

1 reply

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Hi @michelelopedote


Thank you for reaching out to us! 


Please use the Data Export option found in the Analytics section if you are having trouble finding a certain field to include in the new report you are creating.

Data export option - Choose "Settings" from the menu and go to the "Data Export" tab.

The next step is to choose the module "Assets" and the appropriate fields that should be included in the report. Furthermore, filters can be used, export time can be chosen for the same. 


