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I asked for some guidance from FreshService support but I’m not they understood what I was asking for.  I want to create a small ordering portal for medical supplies within FreshService.  So it would look like:


  1. Bandages
    1. How Many?
  2. Syringes
    1. How Many?
  3. etc

Each item would have a check box and if they select it, it will ask how many they need.  Do I add each item as a service item and then import it into something?  This is where I get confused.  Or can I create one service item with all items inside?


Any help is appreciated.

hello @BobbyBMore If you are using freshservice, you can create “Bundles”. So you would create separate service items for bandages, syringes, etc. As well as one that you could call “Medical Supplies”. In the Medical Supplies service item you would add the bandage, sryinge, etc service items using the “Add Additional Service Items”. Then when a user selects the Medical Supplies Service item, they can select the amount of bandages, syringes, etc that they want. This is how we can create a shopping cart experience.

Here is an example of how we did it with Covid-19 Sanitation Supplies

These are the individual “Additional Service Items”

Here is the Service Item (Bundle) that users select to order the various supplies with them listed in the configuration page

Here is how it looks from the portal

Hope this helps! Take care.

@zachary.king   -  This is awesome!! Thank you.

@zachary.king   -  This is awesome!! Thank you.

You’re welcome, let us know if you need anything else :)


I had a remote session with support and they could not fix this...wondering if you found a way around it.  When the end user logs in to create an order… From the Home screen, they click request a service.  On that next page, all items within the bundle appear as individual services including the bundled service itself.  Is there any way to just display the bundle only?  This display would be very confusing for the end user unless they were only ordering a single item.  

Per support, they can run scripts to fix this but it would only fix it on the browser side and not the mobile.  

@BobbyBMore I will start by saying that we don’t promote the use of the mobile app in the field. Our users access our support portal through our intranet most of the time. That being said, what we have done is create a service category that houses all the individual service items labeled for example “Covid-19 Sanitation Items List” and a service category labeled “Covid-19 Sanitation Items” that has only the “Bundle” service item. Then I write a tiny jQuery script in our portal customization pages that hide the “List” service categories from view.

 Where the ID is the category ID. Not sure how this replicates out to mobile. I should probably check that out lol.

Hope this helps :)

i was facing issue while i make a portal for my website about multi process welder to keep in touch or to solve queries from my clients i have done each step by unfortunately it showing an error and screen stuck on a point can you please suggest me any other easiest way.

Hi @jameslee, welcome to the Refresh Community! Could you share a little more information as to where you are having issues? Maybe a screenshot of where you are getting stuck? Would help us better assist you. 

Thanks and take care!

@zachary.king  The ordering portal is working well, thanks for that. 

The purchasing manager wants reporting for it now. Did you setup customized Analytics for yours? His request is below, is this possible? 

I would like a separate widget for the following, by month with the option to see over a longer period of time:

  • Number of items ordered as a whole (a widget with all items ordered that month) 
  • Total Cost broken down by PO Name 
  • Each item broken down by PO Name


@zachary.king  The ordering portal is working well, thanks for that. 

The purchasing manager wants reporting for it now. Did you setup customized Analytics for yours? His request is below, is this possible? 

I would like a separate widget for the following, by month with the option to see over a longer period of time:

  • Number of items ordered as a whole (a widget with all items ordered that month) 
  • Total Cost broken down by PO Name 
  • Each item broken down by PO Name


Glad to hear the support portal is working well for you. I have done some metrics for our support portal in Analytics. I created a small dashboard of some of those metrics. Like the Top 10 purchased items, and a breakdown of the total tickets generated from the support portal. You might be able to get the metrics you are looking for but it might take some manipulation to make sure you are reporting on the right service items.

There is a wealth of individuals that do a much better job with Analytics than myself. Tagging @BrynCYDEF and @keefe.andrews, these two I know are awesome with generating metrics. You could also reach out to, the Technical Account Managers are awesome too!

@BobbyBMore Depending on how you categorize or tag your service request items, you should be able to surface those groupings with analytics. I took a few sample data points from our environment and screenshots of the metrics and filters used. Hope this helps to point you in the right direction.





TY for the compliment @zachary.king !

@BobbyBMore - Hi! As @keefe.andrews has shown above, the analytics reports can have 4 layers of filters applied - Report level, page level, widget level and then even metric level!


 Mgr would like a separate widget for the following, by month with the option to see over a longer period of time:

  • Number of items ordered as a whole (a widget with all items ordered that month) 
    • Bryn: Following Keefe’s example above, you can add a widget with a numeric value like this - it can display 1 to many metrics inside the widget - edit the name of the metric
    • You could also set the chart option to Table and then pick the columns to include - FS PDF export is not great as the tables do not paginate when they are a widget inside the report so the most any table in PDF will show is 31 or 32 rows

    • However, you can export each widget as a PDF and then the table will output all needed pages - or you can choose CSV - not ideal tho when trying to create a scheduled hands-off process
    • @keefe.andrews do summary tables paginate in PDF when grouped on Item as you’ve shown?
  • Total Cost broken down by PO Name 
    • ​​​​​​​Bryn: Does your SR create a Purchase Order inside of FS - there is an option in Analytics for PO as the module of the widget.
    • OR is it a data entry field on the SR (i.e. only appears under Requested Items on the ticket) then, IIRC, that info would have to be translated out to a ticket field in order to be used (group/filter) on the report

    • You can use workflows to set the fields in the ticket by extracting info from Requested Items

    • OR does the PO = Ticket ID? in which case Keefe is showing this in his screenshot above

  • Each item broken down by PO Name
    • ​​​​​​​Bryn:  so he wants to know the full list of POs where this Item is included?
    • As Keefe showed above a summary table grouped by Item and ID (assuming that is the PO) or a matrix table grouped by Item and PO - these tables can generate a lot of empty rows and columns depending on how many Items you have -- this might be better handled by a CSV

Set the date range on last month**  for the report and set the schedule to run 1st day of new month

** For details on configuring the reporting by date I’ll refer you to another reply I made where I helped another user set up a monthly report.

How do I set a report to show a month of data?



Bryn @ CYDEF

I knew @BrynCYDEF and @keefe.andrews would knock it outta the park! 💪

@BrynCYDEF @keefe.andrews @zachary.king 

This is awesome!  Thanks so much.  As for FreshService support, they told one of my agents this was not possible.

@BobbyBMore -- You’re very welcome!

I didn’t notice your other request:  option to see over a longer period of time:

On the Report Level filter - set the date range and then hit the little plus as shown here.


It will add this handy little widget which not only displays the date range (incl text like “Last Month”) but can be set on the fly before you run the report and all the widgets on the report will take the new date range.


Finally, I believe you can set permissions such that the purchasing mgr could access the Analytics as a read-only visitor and run the report for themselves.




@BobbyBMore I will start by saying that we don’t promote the use of the mobile app in the field. Our users access our support portal through our intranet most of the time. That being said, what we have done is create a service category that houses all the individual service items labeled for example “Covid-19 Sanitation Items List” and a service category labeled “Covid-19 Sanitation Items” that has only the “Bundle” service item. Then I write a tiny jQuery script in our portal customization pages that hide the “List” service categories from view.

 Where the ID is the category ID. Not sure how this replicates out to mobile. I should probably check that out lol.

Hope this helps :)

I asked for some guidance from FreshService support but I’m not they understood what I was asking for.  I want to create a small ordering portal for medical supplies within FreshServiceSo it would look like:

Thank you very much!

I missed your additional request, which is: option to view anything at fat wrecked over a longer time frame:

Set the date range on the Report Level filter before clicking the small plus sign, as seen above.
"Covid-19 Sanitation Items," which solely includes the service item "Bundle." The "List" service categories are then hidden from view by a small jQuery script that I build for our portal customisation pages.

Fantastic! Thank you for posting this question and for all the replies! Thats an area I've not looked at in FS yet and its just gotten all my creative juices flowing! 

I can see this community is really going to help all of us use this product to its best ability! 

To create a small ordering portal for medical supplies within FreshService, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create Service Items: Each item you want to include in the ordering portal, such as bandages and syringes, should be added as a separate service item in FreshService. You can create service items by going to "Admin" > "Helpdesk Productivity" > "Service Catalog."

  2. Add Custom Fields: For each service item, you can add a custom field to capture the quantity required. This field will allow users to input the desired quantity when placing an order. To add custom fields, go to "Admin" > "Helpdesk Productivity" > "Custom Fields."

  3. Create Request Types: Request types help categorize and organize different types of service requests. You can create a new request type specifically for the medical supplies ordering portal. Go to "Admin" > "Helpdesk Automation" > "Request Types" to create a new request type.

  4. Configure Forms: Once you have created the request type, you can customize the form to include the service items and their respective quantity fields. In the request type configuration, go to the "Forms" tab and add the desired service items and custom fields.

  5. Publish the Portal: After setting up the request type and form, you can publish the portal to make it accessible to your users. To do this, navigate to "Admin" > "Helpdesk Productivity" > "Service Catalog" and enable the portal for your users.

With this setup, users will be able to access the ordering portal through the FreshService interface and select the items they need by checking the corresponding checkboxes. They can then input the required quantity for each item. When the order is submitted, it will generate a service request with the chosen items and quantities for your team to process.     how long does pomegranate juice last

Creating a small ordering portal is a breeze with a focus on simplicity and efficiency. Incorporate Medicare Advantage seamlessly into your portal to enhance the user experience. From user-friendly interfaces to secure payment options, prioritize accessibility to ensure a smooth ordering process for your clients.
