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Fresh Service PowerAutomate Create Ticket Connector

  • 19 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi Community,

Wondering if anyone can help.

I am trying to create a FreshService ticket in PowerAutomate when someone fills out an MS Form. However, the FreshService connector requires the Requester's ID, which I thought would be straightforward. I added the dynamic content email address from the MS Form response, but it fails asking for a number. 

I need the Create Ticket to come from the user how completed the MS Form does anyone have any thoughts why this is not working or how I could achieve this?


Many thanks


I suggest to get familiar with Freshservice’s APIs (Service Desk API for Developers | Freshservice). They will help you with Power Automate and regular workflows.

In this case what should interest you is the Users (Requesters)\ Filter Requesters option. This API allows you to look through your requesters and find their Freshservice data. What you require is their Id.

I have created a Compose action to store my email address, you will get yours from the form.

Then you need to add a HTTP action in power automate
in the action:
URI:”primary_email:%20’<email element from the form>’”
Notice the double quotes for the entire query, single quotes for the email element. The URI cannot have spaces so it was replaces with %20.
Method: GET
Scroll down and in advanced parameters enable Authentication, then Basic. Type in your API key (you will find it in your Freshservice Profile. Password: anything.

The HTTP action will get you a response in json format. It will be an array of requesters. to target specific requester id you need to use an expression like this:

This chooses the ID property of the 1st object in the array.



this will give you the user ID you need

Hi Chmiel,


Thank you very much for taking the time to give me  such a detailed response, It has been very helpful!

I was wondering if you could provide any advice on how best to achieve the below task. I am new to Fresh Service so any pointers would be very helpful.

  1. When a major incident ticket is raised, it uses the subject & description of the ticket and creates a post into the Incidents Teams channel
  2. When a note is added to the major incident ticket, it adds a reply to that Teams post
  3. When the major incident ticket is resolved, it uses the resolution note to add a reply to the Teams post


Many thanks


I imagine that for this you could leverage the Microsoft Teams Orch application in Freshservice and Workflow Automations but I have never tested it properly due to the setup we have. So I cannot help you much there.

You could also try writing to Freshservice support and asking for advice.

As for asking the community I think making another topic for this specific problem would be best as you have marked this as answered.


Thank you, Chmiel. You have been most helpful!
