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UPCOMING: Let's plan our very first Virtual Happy Hour together!

  • 24 November 2021
  • 16 replies
UPCOMING: Let's plan our very first Virtual Happy Hour together!

Hey folks!

As the festive season draws close, and our decorations are pulled out of storage boxes (who am I kidding, I already have mine up!), we thought there was no better time than now to mix, mingle and make merry with our Refresh Community members. 

Right on top of our holiday wish list is a Happy Hour Meet-up with IT expert, Stephen Mann @manns and YOU, over Zoom. Yeah, you heard it right!

Before we get our FIRST ever virtual meet started, we wanted to hear from you, our community members for whom we’re planning this.

Which one of these topics would help you achieve your goals next year?

  • Best practices for service desk adoption

  • Your wins and struggles in service management

  • Metrics that matter in a service desk

  • Agent productivity in a world of hybrid work

  • Choosing the service management framework that works best for you

  • Your everyday life as an IT professional

  • Others

Let us know in the comments below?

We are over the moon to be organizing this, and can’t wait to see you all (virtually).

Virtual Happy Hour Details:

Date: Friday, December 10, 2021

Time: 11:00 AM (EST)/ 8:00 AM (PT)/ 9:30 PM (IST)

Facilitator: IT Analyst, Stephen Mann


Limited Seats Only!


Stay tuned and hit that ‘Subscribe’ button below this post to stay updated!


16 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

I’m looking forward to this :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

We are super pumped up to interact virtually with you @manns and our community! :heart_eyes:

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Really looking forward to this - would love to hear more on agent productivity in a hybrid working model!

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@JiriGrohmann @Warden Brown  @alex_10481 @keefe.andrews @GlennA  @grayeson @Sophie Murgatroyd @Bex @mark.uther @raymondcanilao @Denise.S.P @mmccoy @i.cameron @laurence.hendy @zachary.king @lavjoson @m.rieder @Akkshay @pOttenbacher @KeithW @Parul Gupta - Would love to hear your thoughts! :smiley:

Userlevel 3
Badge +1
  • Your wins and struggles in service management

  • Metrics that matter in a service desk

  • Agent productivity in a world of hybrid work

These would be my most important things for next year

Userlevel 7
Badge +10
  • Your wins and struggles in service management

  • Metrics that matter in a service desk

  • Agent productivity in a world of hybrid work

These would be my most important things for next year

I love the struggles point - we can often learn more from the “mistakes” of others than we do from the successes :)

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Love to be a part of this event.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Looking forward to this Happy Hour.  I know some of these go hand in hand, but we often find the lack of information being put into the ticket is our biggest struggle, and then impacts our agent productivity.  It would be helpful to hear from others what they have found to work successfully for them.  If we make too many fields mandatory, we will go back to the requestors just emailing or directly calling someone for assistance, and we do not want to go backwards.

  • Best practices for service desk adoption

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

All set and registered! I like the topic of Service Desk Adoption. I feel the topic could go down two distinct paths as well: 

  1. Getting end users/customers to engage with the platforms for submitting their incidents and requests.
  2. Getting other business units to adopt the platform so they can provide customer service for those that they serve. (Could also include the lifecycle of demo > pilot > onboarding > etc.)

Greetings 🖖 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

It’s getting close. Please sign up if you wish to attend :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

This event is happening tomorrow and we’re super excited to see a lot of you show interest and sign up for it! Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!

For those who have signed up, look out for interesting things reaching your inbox today! :heart_eyes:


We’ve got 1 more day to goooo! :smiley: If you haven’t signed up yet, you've still got time!


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

I’m a firm believer that we have most of the answers to our IT service desk and wider ITSM issues between us - and the more we can talk to others the less we need to “reinvent the wheel” (or struggle on on our own). Hopefully this virtual happy hour will show this to be true :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi all

We are looking forward to this later.

This is what we’ll cover…

  • Getting people to engage with the platform(s)
  • Lack of information being put into tickets
  • Agent productivity in a world of hybrid work
  • Metrics that matter most 
  • Getting other business units to adopt the platform
  • Your wins and struggles in service management

With the last one being a catchall for anything people wish to cover (time permitting).

No doubt we’ll digress into different areas along the way :)

Hopefully see you there.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

A big thank you to everyone who attended this. Hopefully there were helpful things shared :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

And that’s a wrap to our very first Virtual Happy Hour!! Thank you everyone for joining us today!

@manns @keefe.andrews @sanofar.allahpichai @Jovita @JiriGrohmann @stacyv @Denise.S.P @Dee @Anusha @alyssia.correa @rhea.desouza @Arvind Ramamurti @Krystal A @Bharadwaj :champagne_glass:

Here are some happy pictures from us!

Wishing all of you very Happy Holidays! We’ll meet soon 🙂 Post your questions, takeaways, thoughts here!
