
Adding a Google group as a secondary support email

  • 20 February 2023
  • 7 replies


We are (unsuccessfully) trying to add a secondary support email for our developer relations team. It is a google group account and so can not sign in via SSO, and does not have a username/password.


I can’t find any documentation for how Freshdesk expects us to connect this account so that incoming emails get pushed into their system. Any help would be appreciated.

7 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hi @ramijames ,

Greetings from Freshworks Community!

Group inboxes at times cause issues with ticket creation and appending of replies. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not use them as your support email addresses.

For further information on this, you could always write to

Jebas D.



This is a really bad approach as you’ll generally have teams inside of a company who will need to receive emails from externals all at once.

Our workaround was to add the freshdesk generated email to the group. You should add this to your documentation.


Userlevel 2
Badge +6


I understand your point. Yes, the work around is to add the Freshdesk forwarding email address to your group. Glad that you’ve already done that.

I’ll surely forward the feedback to add this to the Documentation. Thank you understanding and for Feedback.



This is a really bad approach as you’ll generally have teams inside of a company who will need to receive emails from externals all at once.

Our workaround was to add the freshdesk generated email to the group. You should add this to your documentation.


This might result in missing emails. I don’t recommend it. We had to manually create tickets for a lot of emails. If the emails send to your support address google group  has the same subject as another email, google group might thread it and freshdesk wont create a new ticket, not even update it and it becomes really hard to find which ones


Mathieu7 I really appreciated that.

We are currently trying the gmail routing to add a recipient to every email sent to our support email address. We should see pretty soon if it solve our missing emails problems

Update :  the gmail routing is working perfectly and we are experiencing no more problems with missing emails in freshdesk! Hurray to me!

You need google workspace but I’m not sure what tier you need to be able to use that feature ( but I thinkg it works even with the lowest “basic tier”)

I hope this helps

App \ Google workspace \ Gmail \ default routing \ add another rule 

single address

param value
single recipient
also deliver to  activate Checkbox
also deliver to 
click “add” ( this is the freshdesk email address where to send your email)
3. Options select “Perform this action on non-recognized and recognized addresses”
