Multiple FreshDesk accounts for the same company

  • 12 September 2019
  • 4 replies

  • Apprentice
  • 0 replies

I currently have a FreshDesk account for our IT helpdesk. We are thinking about implementing Freshdesk for our Customer Service department. Instead of using the same FreshDesk account, I'd prefer to set up a new account. The reason is that the IT helpdesk is for internal employees (so other employees are the contacts) whereas Customer Service will deal with external customers. There will be different ticket fields and the Customer Service account would sync with our CRM system to get the companies and contacts. For these reasons, I'd like to keep them separate. The main concern is that both accounts will have support emails with the same domain name ( and This all seems to work OK so far except that when I set up the DKIM for the second account, it says that the domain is already verified with another account. Is that OK or will I run into problems?



4 replies

Hi Joe,

I have the same situation. We've set up DKIM for our customer service department's freshdesk account, but are unable to verify the domain for our internal IT support team. Freshdesk says The domain is verified in another account.  And ever since, our IT support team's emails go to spam... It would be really helpful if Freshworks jumped in to let us know how to work around this. 

I too have this problem. Another department would like to utilize a simple ticketing system and we're already using Freshdesk in support, but we have to have separate accounts because the ticket fields are different, and the default BCC and reply-from address needs to be different.

If DKIM isn't configured for an email, it gets mailed by and "spoofs the email" as your own domain, which means outbound emails may end up in customer's spam. Unfortunately this is a critical issue so I don't think we can transition other departments to Freshdesk.

I'm having a very similar issue, but I only have the one domain.  It gives 4 DNS records to enter, and 3 out of 4 verify just fine, but the 4th won't.  When I click Verify it gives this same message in the header that The domain is verified with another account.  I only have 1 account though, very strange.

Hi, guys.

Apologies for the delay in getting this addressed.

It is indeed possible to have the same DKIM records linked to multiple accounts from the backend. If you guys have any such requirements, please drop an email to and our support team would be able to help you out with the same, upon validation.

Happy supporting!
