Ticket associated with company as a whole - Internal How?

  • 7 January 2022
  • 3 replies

Hello all.  We are evaluating FD and it is very nice.  One thing that we can not figure out is how to have tickets assigned to a company as a whole and not a specific contact within the company.  Based on our research this does not seem possible since tickets are tied to an email address.  However, as an IT provider we have many things that we have to do for a customer that should/could be a ticket but for internal reasons.  For instance, contacting them on a proposal, sending them info on a subscription for AV, leaving the site and having a ticket to myself (for this customer) to login later to check the status of a job, etc.  These are things that we do not want the customer to be notified for and also likely not have an SLA as well since they are really “todo’s” for a customer that we need to get done.  We could create tickets to ourselves for this but we want to associate these tasks to a company as a whole...Basically, things we need to do as a whole for this customer.  They are many.

Right now we are using Tick Tick task manager to accomplish this but we really want it under one tool.  It would be great to create a ticket that says “tonight check the status of windows update on station12”.  I will see that ticket under the customer but the customer does not get notified.  

Perhaps the non-free version has something we can use for this?  It seems like this is a limitation of several ticket systems and perhaps I am looking for it to do something it was not designed to do.

Any input would be great.


3 replies

Userlevel 1
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Hi @mtills ,


Welcome to Freshworks Community :) 


Thanks for the great detail. I do agree, this could be one of the features, but as of now, we are tying tickets to email addresses(contacts) so that all the tickets can be individually paid attention to. The logic used is to be able to provide a customized experience for every ticket till its resolution. However, there are a few workarounds that might help you achieve a part of your use case. You can always tie multiple contacts to a single company and view the tickets from the company as a whole under the companies tab(Their company profile) 





You can send emails in bulk from the list view but also, to send multiple emails at once, without affecting SLA, you can use proactive outreach. The emails will be sent in bulk as a campaign email which does not receive a response(no reply address sends it). You can read more about proactive outreach here:https://support.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/239926-proactive-support-email-outreach


Feel free to leave a note to express your insights :)


Hi there,

We are facing the same issue here and apparently, there is still no good workaround solution. We have a lot of internal tickets as well, or contacts belonging to a wide range of companies. Therefore, we would also like to just link a ticket directly to a company without having to connect the contact to that company first.

Is there any way this can be incorporated?

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We’re experiencing this need as well. We would like a way to notify additional contacts when a ticket is created/opened/closed. For example, if a ticket is closed, a contact with a specific title (“CEO” for example) could be notified automatically. Or, a method to contact multiple people - being able to create contact groups for the companies in the system. This will improve communication when our support ticket is working with an external team rather than an individual.
