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Workflow of the Week - Session 7- Active Directory Onboarding using Orchestration, Custom Objects and Liquid Placeholders.

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Workflow of the Week is a recurring series that will showcase all things workflow, such as use cases, enhancements, tips, and tricks.

Ever wonder what a workflow that leverages the full power of the automator looks like 🤔❓

Here's one that combines Orchestration apps, Custom Objects, Liquid FiltersWeb Request and JSON parser node 🤝


Explore all the Automator nodes in this session 🧐

⚙️ MS Active Directory Orch app - To perform actions in AD.

⚙️ Custom Objects - To store Org Unit mappings and reference them in the onboarding flow.

⚙️ Liquid Filters - To narrow in on a unique user name for the employee being onboarded.

⚙️ Web Request and JSON Parser - To generate a strong password for the newly created user account.


To view other posts in the series, search for #WorkflowoftheWeek

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