Share the ticket URL with your customers and make it hassle free for them to check the ticket status without having to log into the customer portal.

Share the ticket URL with your customers and make it hassle free for them to check the ticket status without having to log into the customer portal.
Great Plug.
This is exactly what I needed.
I use Quick File to create invoices and I needed an easy method of obtaining the public URL of Support Tickets so I could paste them into the invoices. I had previously set Email Notifications to email the Agent with the {{ticket.public_url}} Placeholder when a new ticket was raised. This was a pain because I only needed to know the Public URL for certain Support Tickets.
Thanks very much
Hi Paul,
Glad you found it useful. Thank you so much for your feedback
<div id="sample_highrise_widget">
<h4 class='w-title'>Public Ticket URL</h4>
<input readonly onclick="" value='{{ticket.public_url}}' class="text" />
Would be a great addition to add a 'Copy' button next to the URL field in order to save from having to highlight and copy the URL. Great FreshPlug!
Great work guy!
Do you know why people who click on public link can add a note, but when they submit, they're blocked?
Great work,
but the Placeholder {{ticket.public_url}} do not work :-(
i put the placeholder in a answer ?
Same here, {{ticket.public_url}} inserts an empty string
For those having problems with the public URL not showing up, this is because the placeholder included in the current FreshPlug is out of date. At some point, the ticket URL placeholder changed from {{ticket.public_url}} to {{ticket.url}}.
Here's the updated working FreshPlug code:
<div id="sample_highrise_widget">
<h4 class='w-title'>Public Ticket URL</h4>
<input readonly onclick="" value='{{ticket.url}}' class="text" />
I tried the pervious post and it only provided the non-public URL. ticket.pubiic_url is still valid and is working. Not sure what issue Eric had, or if that issue was corrected after his post.
Folks Any idea if the public URL can be picked by Search engines. Basically i would like to leverage this feature but am wary of my support interactions becoming public..
Any suggestions?
Now I am here can you help me please Mr.Viswanathan
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