Brings complete information about the customers right inside the tickets, letting your agents get deeper insights about the customer whom they interact with. Vibes widget pulls up Name, gender, designation, company, work history, social media profile links, topics of interest etc right in the ticket view.
Install Instructions:
- Download the zip file.
- Unzip and open the .txt file
- Signup for Vibe at and replace the "api_key" in the plug code (in the .txt file) with the Vibe key that you receive on signup.
- Copy the code from the file
- Go to Admin->Integration->Freshplugs in you dashboard and click the new Freshplug button
- Give a Name and Description to this plug for future reference
- Select the text box “Show this widget in ticket view page”
- Copy the code from the .txt file here and click the button "create and enable"