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Bulk Retrieval of the Activity Log for a Device


I have a large set of devices that had the Status changed from In Stock to In Use by Device42 back in December 2024.

The workaround to prevent this from happening was to keep the Service Level in Device42 = QA.

That way the workflow wouldn’t copy that information over to Freshservice.

It worked for most of 2024, but last December, something on the Device42 side changed, and all devices in D42 regardless of the Service Level had their data copied over to Freshservice.

This is problematic because freshservice doesn’t sync back to Device42, which is why we stopped the sync in the first place, and now we have many records that are have the incorrect Asset Status.

Wondering if anybody has a method of recovering the Asset Status using the Activity Log for each device, but as a bulk report, not individual items.

Moving forward we’ll be re-defining policy, process & procedure, but first I need to restore this data to the correct state

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