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I go to Assets / Inventory.

I apply a filter on Asset Type = Hardware.

I press the cog (Customize columns).

I add a column and position it, and remove another column.

I apply the change, the page refreshes and shows the new table structure and data.

I change the Asset type in the filter.

The column customizations are removed it the default table structure appears.

I reset the filter so that Asset Type = Hardware.

I still see the default table - my customized columns are gone!


I would prefer the Customized Columns to remain, at least for the same filter.


Totally agree. I’d suggest to submit this as a feature request here:

Freshworks Ideas | Freshworks Community

Please ensure to share the link to the request in order we could vote on it so it can be noticed and hopefully developed and delivered.




Hello @brendonh, definitely add this as an idea. I would smash that vote button for this!!!

Thanks to Support for getting back to me via email.

Turns out I was missing a step.

  1. Assets / Inventory
  2. Filter on an asset type
  3. Customize columns
  4. Press the tick next to the view name on the top left of the screen
  5. Enter the View name
  6. Select who it is visible to
  7. Save

Here’s my question. If you save the view with custom columns for all agents, does your agents get the custom columns as well or does it go to default columns? 


Right now my agents get the default columns and it’s super frustrating.
