I have a SR that allows our staff (im in education) to create ad-hoc user accounts, these are for guests coming in or open days.
Currently it allows for one account to be created as the user will enter a username they want, the reason, and the date its needed.
The request is then fulfilled using the ActiveDirectory Orchestration by creating the AD account and then it sends the details to the requester via and email that contains the accounts password. The Account is then removed within 7days as part of the workflow.
I want to expand this so that multiple accounts could be created. I want the user to select how many with maybe a max of upto 20, but im struggling in my head the best way to do this, so any advice on this or best way would be apprciated. If i was writing this as a Powershell script i could probably do it but im trying to get my head around how i can use a Service Request and the workflow behind it