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Hi everyone,

We want to upgrade to “Pro” and use its functionality ASAP but the problem is, we are locked-in our current plan up to January 2022 and Freshdesk system won’t allow us to effect the changes immediately. System says we have to wait for the current plan to end before we can transition to another plan. (Pls see screenshot)

Can someone assist us to drop the current plan please? So we can upgrade to Pro ASAP.



Hello @Senzei28,


We understand you are trying to upgrade to the Pro plan in Freshdesk, ASAP. We have looped in the right team on the ticket raised and we will keep you posted via the same. 


Thank you,

Freshworks Community Team



@hemanth.ramya Appreciate the response. Your local account officer in PH has reached out to me already and on the way to fix the problem.

That’s great, @Senzei28. If you have any additional queries, you can always post them here or add a note to the same ticket. Have a great day!
