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Hello - I apologize for lack of clarity. 


So there are two ways to a generate a Major Incident ticket:

  1. Agent create a Major Incident ticket
  2. Agent escalates an existing “normal” ticket 

When Agent directly creates a MI ticket (first option above), they can fill in custom fields that are set for Major Incident type. I can set up a workflow automator (with ‘Major Incident is raised’ trigger) to send out an email and include those “Major Incident” fields/questions. This is perfectly fine and good to go.


Now, I am looking to see if there is a way to set up the workflow automator so it sends out an email with all custom fields for Major Incident when a ticket is elevated to Major Incident type. Once a ticket is elevated to Major Incident, these custom fields would then appear. However, the same automator (with ‘Major Incident is Raised’ trigger) won’t run when a ticket is elevated to Major Incident and even after the fields are populated. 


Is this possible by any chance? We are leaning toward pushing Agents to create a Major Incident ticket instead of elevating it if not.  




Sorry, I found it 😀


We were able to work it out using ‘Major Incident type is updated’

Hi @alyssia.correa and @Kamakshi V 

This is a FreshService inquiry in FreshDesk forum (which happily is already answered by the own person before we got a chance to respond 😃 )


