
Is there really no way to change content strings in Fresdesk Themes?

  • 16 August 2023
  • 1 reply

Just getting started with setting up our new site theme, and right above the search bar is the text “Hi, how can we help you?”

In the portal_home file, there is code that sets the value of the search text: 

{% assign search_text = 'portal_translations.banner.search_text' | t %}

{{ portal | search_element: search_text }}

I can’t find where to go to edit the portal_translations object, which I assume is a data file with all the UI strings. There’s not even an <h1> element available so I can hard code the text. 

An email from support suggested we use a jQuery search/replace to edit the text, but I have a hard time believing that the only way for us to manage content is by running a client side script. 

1 reply

Badge +1

I’m running into the exact same problem. Can somebody please help?

And frankly editing such strings by inputting a jQuery feels like hacking...
