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What happens when you delete an Agent?

  • October 19, 2022
  • 6 replies

When you delete an agent, are their tickets / solution articles also deleted? 

For example, Agent A has created 50+ solutions on our support portal and also raised several tickets. 

If I delete Agent A, would the 50+ solutions be deleted and also the tickets raised?

Or would it simply remove Agent A’s ability to login and continue working and leave the solutions and tickets still visible in our portal.

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  • Community Debut
  • 74 replies
  • October 28, 2022

Hi @Paul H 

Greetings from Freshdesk community!

When an agent is deleted, it is converted to a contact and all the data assosiated(like tickets, solution articles ,etc) become unassigned. Here is an article that you may refer to for more details. 

Feel free to drop a note here incase of further assistance :)

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  • Community Debut
  • 2 replies
  • May 4, 2023

@barun.poddar To follow up on this thread, after an agent has been deleted and converted to a contact, are the Private Notes that they wrote also set to “unassigned” or will it still have their name and email associated with the notes? I’m looking to maintain the history in previous tickets where the agent added comments in a private note. Thanks!

Top Contributor

So, am I reading this correctly... When an agent leaves an organization and you delete their account to have an agent license for the new staff you lose the history for the old agent on tickets.  That seems very odd if so for historical purposes?


When you delete an agent, it is permanently removed from your system and you will no longer be able to access or use it. Any data associated with the agent, such as conversations, intents, and training data, will also be deleted and cannot be recovered. This means that any chatbot or virtual assistant that was built using the bank agent will no longer be functional.

Additionally, any integrations or connections that the agent had with other platforms or services will also be disconnected. This can have implications on any systems that rely on the agent for data or functionality, potentially causing disruption or errors.

  • Community Debut
  • 74 replies
  • May 9, 2023

Hi @kbobash and @thisismebb22


Adding to @Amelia4321786 , when the deleted agent is a contact, the privates notes will have the agent’s name. It will not be shown as ‘unassigned’.


Feel free to let me know if you need any more help on this.

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  • Community Debut
  • 2 replies
  • May 9, 2023

Thanks so much for that answer @barun.poddar, that’s very helpful to know!
