Hi all!
I’m looking for advice in the use-case of “adding To and CC in the same email”. I’m sure that a custom app probably would solve this, but I’m looking for a more out-of-the-box feature as it belongs in the system rather than a custom code.
The way we solved it at first were to add two actions (separated for the purpose of below screenshot), first sent an email to the requester (1) and second sent to all CC’d users (2).

The customer then returned with the ask of combining these two into one email where Requester and CC are separated (as they should be) in the email.
The recipients of the CC email got confused as they were addressed as “to” instead of CC without proper relevance or context. I totally get that!


Being curious and problem-solving I also tried to solve this using API - which highlighted another finding.
By using Postman in a GET I’m returned with all CC’s as email addresses:
"ticket": {
"cc_emails": [
When I parse this and later call on the JSON Parser placeholder for the same - the email address within my payload is validated to a Freshservice Requester when sent using Freshservice’s Web Request Node (POST x.freshservice.com/v2/tickets/{{ticket.id_numeric}}/reply)
"body": "Detta är ett testärende. CC = Alex",
"cc_emails": "["Alexander Fredriksson"]"
This results in a failed POST request as Freshservice expected an email address instead of my name.
This issue persisted after trying to change the type to an array of objects instead of strings but no avail.
I would love to see the addition of CC to the Send Email to-action in Freshservice as a separate field and not only as a recipient placeholder. A checkbox in Send Email to Requester-action to include CC would also be a nice addition.I will add these as ideas later.
Does anyone have any advice on how to solve this?
Many thanks in advance and stay safe!