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API - GET - Proper information from custom object list

Skilled Expert


I have this object list:

When the ticket is created i want to extract the choice from the object list through an API

However! I’m not getting the result i hoped. I wanted to get the information “Number Three - Info”

Instead i just get the Record ID.

Does anyone have a solution to this? I’m sure I’m missing something! :)

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3 replies


Hi @LucasHansson 

It probably depends what you want to do with that output whether this is any use, but...

If you’re in a workflow I think you could put the response from the API GET into a JSON Parser node.

Then have a reader node afterwards that looks at the custom object list that matches the record ID of the custom object against the parser response of that record id number output you’re getting (3).

Then any subsequent node should be able to use the other columns of the specific custom object record as a placeholder.

Actually I’ve just written all that and realised if you’re in a workflow you don’t need to do the API GET request as you could take that value directly from the ticket into the reader node, so it’s probably not much use to you, sorry!


Hey Lucas

Are you trying to update the field value of a custom field in a service item using Custom Object once it is created? if yes the suggestion provided by @jonathan.allison should work or are you referring to something else? Please clarify!


Daniel Söderlund
Skilled Expert
LucasHansson wrote:


I have this object list:

When the ticket is created i want to extract the choice from the object list through an API

However! I’m not getting the result i hoped. I wanted to get the information “Number Three - Info”

Instead i just get the Record ID.

Does anyone have a solution to this? I’m sure I’m missing something! :)

If you trying to do this external you need to do a API call to the Custom object endpoint to get the value. 
If it’s in the WFA you need to do as @jonathan.allison say, use a read node. I guess you could use a webrequest nod there as well. 
