Has anyone found a way to disable the email function in the FreshService sandbox? Not just the notifications but all email?
We have workflows where emails are sent out for a variety of reasons. When testing in the sandbox these emails are triggered causing confusion to those receiving them. Yes even though it indicates it’s from the sandbox.
I don’t want to remove these actions from the workflow as that’s part of what I’m testing. I just don’t want the emails to actually get sent.
I don’t see them removing the ability to email out of the sandbox completely as its the goal of the sandbox to represent the production environment as closely as possible. But would be nice is the ability to toggle this functionality on and off.
Sorry I don’t have better news.
Take care,
For now I will proceed as you’ve recommended by removing those portions of the workflow until I actually want an email triggered.
Have a good day,
To overcome this limitation in our environment, we setup a rule on our email server, so emails coming from the sandbox domain were directed to a single inbox, then gave our Fresh admins delegate access to that mailbox.
I stumbled upon this post. In the meantime, is there a solution to this(or in development)?
I have the same problem of workflow automatons sending out mails to users.
A sandbox environment is super but useless if it overloads the real users with mails.
I'm also in search of a solution for this, as testing automations in the sandbox while still receiving sandbox emails can be problematic. It would be beneficial to have the option to disable all email notifications while working in the sandbox.
Dirty workaround if you use O365 I guess you could block all e-mails in Exchange online.
Dirty workaround if you use O365 I guess you could block all e-mails in Exchange online.
This is actually how we are handling the issue now. Its not great but works for the most part.
What emails do I need to block?
We actually have implemented a solution for this for emails being sent from workflows. We send pretty much all of our emails from workflows, so this works for us.
For every "Send email” node, we put a condition before it, like so:

The condition is a custom expression: {{service_desk_url}} =='your production url here'
This way, when the workflows are copied to sandbox when you generate it, in the sandbox this condition will be false, and the email won't be sent.
It's not the prettiest solution, but hopefully it helps :)
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